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A Laysan Albatross Feeding Its Young .......................... ;Failer I(. FisAer, Frontispiece The Black-headed Grosbeak (3 halftones) ...... [ ...................... Fe'illiam Eovell Finley x45 Extracts from Some Montana Note-books, x9o4 ........................... P. 1 r. Silloway x48 Albatross Pictures (x2 halftones) ....................................... Fe'alter IC. Fisher x5x An Early Notice of Philippine Birds ................................ Ridtard C. lrcGregor x59 Dr. Leonhard $tejneger (portrait) ...................................................... x62 Nesting of the Western Golden-crowned Kinglet in Western Washington (x halftone) ...... ...'. ................................................................ J. H. Bowles I63 A Set of Abnormally Large Eggs of the Golden Eagle (x halftone) .............. C. S. Sharp x65 An Ornithological Comparison of the Pajaro Valley in California with Sioux County in Nebraska .............................................................. dr. S. l-lunter i68 FROM FIELD AND STUDY The Texas Kingfisher at New Braunfels, Texas .......................... .4. 2. Scutze I72 The Inca Dove in Central Toyon ........................................ .4. 2. Schutze I72 Northern Flicker at Auburn, California .............................. Fe'alter K. Fisker I72 The Destruction of Bird Life by Light Towers .......................... .4. 2. Schulz 172 Minutes of Meetings ................................................................. I73 NOTES AND NEWS ................................................................. I74 Index to Volume VI ................................................................... I75 Entered January I6, 19o3, at Palo Alto, Cal., as second-class matter. THE AMERIC BIRD 3GAZlNE Profusely illustrated with Photographs of wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. Everything original. Each number contains Ten lirds in Halural Colors For identifications lfonthly, $I.00 per year Single Copies I0 cents ]veryone subscribing now is entitled to a Life - sized Enla.rgement of the SPECIAL x x x TO aH who mention "The Condor" we will send vol I and II, and sub- scriptions for x9o3, with the "Chippy Family," for a.5o. Address American Ornithology IR88o Uncle Sam's Island Possessions Are of interest to ever) American nowadays. "Notes of a Naturalist In Guam," written by Lieut. William l. Safford, who was Lieutenant- GOvernor of Guam after the Spanish war, is a series of beautifully illustrated articles telling about this remote island. They are published in TH] PLANT WORLD A xllustated Monthly Magazine of Pop- 111ar BOtany With departments alevoted to "The Home Oarden and Greenhouse." and to the Wild Flower Preser- vation Society, of which this journal is the official organ. Sendstamp for a sample copy. mention- ing T, Covoa. A copy of our souvenir and anniversary number free to every new subscriber. $z.5o per Year Adc The Plant World Company P.O. Box 334- WASHINO'ON) D.

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