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VOL. VI THE CONDOP An !11us[ra[od Magazine of Weslorn Orni[holo8y Published Bl-monthly by the Coope Onltholol- eal 1uh of California WAL'FE! K. FllSllE!, Editor, Palo Alto JOSEPll GRIIIELL, Busluess Manager and Associate Editor, Pasadena !. E. 15ODG!AI515, Ass{iate Editor Herbert Brown, Yuma, Arizona; Arizona and southeastern California. William L. Finley, 264 Madison St., Port- land, Ore.; Oregon. J. H. Bowles, 4oi South G. St., Tacoma, Wash.; Washington. Mr. M.P. Ander.son is now collecting in Japan for the British Museum. He expects to be there about a year. Mr. W. Scott Way, Secretary of the Califor- nia Audubon Society, gave an address at the University Farmers' Institute, Long Beach, . _ ..... - ........  -- =   .  August 27, on the "Passing of the Mourning Dove. ' ' Palo Alto, California: Published ept. I ?, i 904 Mr. Lyman Beldhg was receutly at Deer .........  ...............  .................. Park, Placer county. Messrs. William R. Dudley, E.G. Dudley, Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.S. and W. K. Fisher made a hasty trip into the Colonies one dollar a year; single copies twenty-five cents. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union country south of Kings River canyon during one dollar and a quarter a year. the last two weeks of August. The trail was taken at Millwood, Fresno Co. Some work Subscriptions should be sent to the Business Manager; manuscripts and exchanges to the Editor. WaS done in the extensive sequoia cuttings of .................. the Converse Basin, where a deplorably waste- ..... ful system of lurebering is being carried on. NOTES AND NEWS (Continued) In T}E CONDOR for May, I9OI , Messrs. Joseph and J. W. Mailliard presented some ex- cellent suggestions for the establishment of an information column in this magazine. The proposition met with the hearty endorsement of the editor, but for some reason did not gain the cooperation which it deserved. The scheme was so well worthy of the support of all club members that we have deemed it desirable to bring the matter again to the attention of our readers. There are doubtless many who desire information on some especial subject, or to fill out gaps in their observations, and are not able to find aid in their reference libraries. We invite everyone to send in their questions, which will be published, and probably answers to the majority will be forthcoming. In this connection it seems well to publish the names of a Special Information Committee which has been appointed, by the president, especially to aid beginners in bird-study. This committee constitutes a sort of Advisory Council and is willing, in so far as it is able, to aid anyone who may wish to undertake bird study, or who may desire some special infor- mation. The West is divided into districts with a committeeman to each. If you are un- certain to whom to write, send the question to the chairmanwho will refer it to the proper person. A stamped and addressed envelope should always be included for reply. COOPER CLUB'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Walter K. Fisher, Chairman, Palo Alto, Cal.; Northern California. W. W. Price, Alta, Placer Co., Cal.; Interior valleys and Sierra Nevada Mts. W. Otto Emerson, Haywards, Cal., San Francisco Bay region. Joseph Grinnell, pasadena, Cal.; Pacific slope of Southern California. Mr. Joseph Grinnell spent the latter part of August andthe first two weeks of September collecting in the Santa Cruz mountains and iu the vicinity of Palo Alto. We are able to announce, unofficially, that the third volume of Mr. Ridgway's "Birds of North and Middle America" will soon be ready for distribution, and that the manuscript of the fourth volume is nearly completed. Rev. S. H. Goodwin has become a staff con- tributor in economic ornithology for the Desfret Farmer, of Provo, Utah. One of our club members, now in the far' east, Richard C. McGregor, writes us very viv- idly of his collecting experiences there. Judg- ing from his valuable papers which are issued regularly from the Philippine Museum, Mr. McGregor has not given up in the least to the evervating influences of that tropical climate. He says: "I hope to get away on another good trip before long. The highlands of Min- doro need more attention and there are plenty of other good points to visit. Luzon itself has plenty of virgin ground, but I am not yet anx- ious to be collected by a lot of Ladrones who are still making thiugs interesting at several points. ' ' A recent issue of the Sierra Club Bullelin (Vol. V, No. 2) contains an entertaining arti- cle by our fellow member, Dr. William Fred- erie Bade. He relates his experiences with"The Water Ouzelat Home" on the headwaters of the Kern River in the southern Sierras. Four excellent photographs supplemeut the already vivid word-portrayal. Mr. R. E. Shodgrass spent the summer trav- elling through the eastern states. Mr. H. W. Henshaw, who has been residing in Hilo, Hawaii, for the past ten years is stop- pin temporarily at Fruitvale, California. Mr. E. W. Nelson and Dr. C. Hart Merriam are expected to arrive on the Coast about Sep- tember I S.

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