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Wilsonia p. chryseola. in the foothills. Mimus p. leucopterus. Toxostoma redivivum. Salpinctes obsoletus. the foothills. Empidonax difficilis. Western Flycatcher. Common everywhere. Cyanocitta s. frontalis. Blue-fronted Jay. Quite common among the pines. Aphelocoma californica. California Jay. Abundant in the foothills. Carpodacus cassini? Purple Finch. A purple finch was seen in the pines. Carpodacus m. frontalis. House finch. Common about springs inthe foothills. Astraalinus ps. hesperophilus. Arkansas Goldfinch. Frequently?seen Hear springs in the hills. Astragalinus lawrencei. Lawrence Goldfinch. Seen occasionally flyingoverhead. Spizella socialis arizone. Western Chipping Sparrow. Abundant and in flocks among the pines. Junco h. thurberi. Sierra Junco. Very common. Amphisphiza b. nevadensis. Sage Sparrow. By far the commonest bird in the foothills. Usually most numerous near water. Aimophila ruficeps. Rufous-crowned Sparrow. These sparrows were occa- sionally seen about brush patches both in foothills and higher mountains but were rather shy. Pipilo m. megalonyx. Spurred Towhee. Common in foothills. Pipilo crissalis. California Towhee. Common though not so numerous as the spurred towhee. Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. Seen on'one occasion in the pines. Piranga ludovciana. Western Tanager. Quite common everywhere. Tachycineta t. lepida. Northern Violet-green Swallow. Very common in the higher mountains. Phainopepla nitens. Phainopepla. Seen once. Lanius 1. excubitorides? White-rumped Shrike. A shrike which was un- doubtedly of this species was seen on a fence near the Piute post-office. Vireo s. cassini. Cassin Vireo. One specimen was taken and several others were seen. Helminthophila c. lutescens. Lutescent Warbler. One specimen of this spec- ies was taken. No others were seen. Dendroica auduboni. Audubon Warbler. Very common among the pines. Many iuveniles were seen. Dendroica nigrescens. Black-throated Gray Warbler. Frequently seen among the oaks over the entire country. Oeothlypis tolmiei. Tolmie Warbler. Common everywhere. Golden PileGlared Warbler. Common about springs Western Mockingbird. Only seen once. California Thrasher. Common in the foothills. Rock Wren. Often seen about large piles of boulders in Catherpes m. punctulatus. Dotted Canyon Wren. Only a few seen in the foothills. Thryomanes b. eremophilus. Desert Wren. Numerous about brush patches in foothills. A_ specimen taken appears to closely resemble this form. Certhia a. zelotes. Sierra Creeper. A.bundant in the timber. Sitta c. aculeata. Slender-billed Nuthatch. Numerous in the conifers. Sitta canadensis. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Not so plentiful as aculeala or fiyg'mcea. Sitta pygmea. Pygmy Nuthatch. Common.

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