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| |- |Colony of Sterna fuliginosa, Laysan Island, Mid-Pacific Ocean |align="right"|Walter K. Fisher, Frontispiece |- |Some New Facts About the Migration of Birds |align="right"|Wells W. Cooke 115 |- |Pelicans Nesting at Utah Lake (1 halftone) |align="right"|Rev. S. H. Goodwin 126 |}

Notes on Unusual Nesting Sites of the Pncific Yellow-throat. . . . . .A. W. jalmron 129 The Lutescerit Warbler (3 hnlltones) . . William L. Finley i3i Bird Surgeons (1 cut) . . W. Otto Emerson 133 A List of Summer Birds of the Piute Mountains. Cslilorn C. H. Richardson, Jr. 134

Mrs. Florence Merriam Bailey (Portrait) . ...... ........................... . . . .......... .. 137 FIELD AND STUDY The Capture of Totnnus glareoln in Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . .C. Lfltlejohn 138

F. W. [(2152]

. . JV. 5. Ray 139 .. . . . .Fr(.mk Stephen: 139 . . W Le: Chamber: no

A Visit to Torrey Pines (‘I hnlihone) . . Spring Notes from Bay Counties. The Roiute Spoonbill in Calilomin . The Snowy Plover .

NOTES AND NEWS . . . . California Academy of Sciences, California Audubon Society. Ania-inn Anocintinnal CIEICII Hunters, The Big Buin Fire, Cooper Club Advisory Committee, Personal News.. . . r4o~i42

Entered January 16, 1903, at Palo Alto, Cal., as second-class matter.


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