Sept., x9o4 [ THE CONDOR
On the way over pelicans singly, and in twos and threes, or in small squads passed us at a terrific rate of speed, those going toward the island flying close to the water with wing strokes that seemed fairly to devour space. These birds had been fishing in the tule-covered bottoms, east of the lake, where high water had carried multitudes of fish and, gradually subsiding, had left them stranded in the shallowsa veritable paradise for pelicans and other fish-eating birds. As we drew near the island, the glass showed the side toward us to be liter- ally covered with these gigantic. snow-white creatures. and long lines of them, floating gracefully upon the unruffled surface of the water, were seen near the western shore of the lake. When we were about a half a mile distant hundreds of pelicans and a few gulls (Larus californicus) rose with a great rush of wings and much damor, above which could be heard the sharp cries of a small flock of terns, (Sterna forsteri) vhich accompanied them. Soon after nearly all that remained YOUNG AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS took wing, and after circling about for a few moments, made off to the westward to join their companions. Not till our boat touched the eastern point of the island did the last of the pelicans leave. The first thing that forced itself upon our attention, even 13efore we landed was the dreadful nauseating odor. With dead birds, old and young, by the scores scattered over the island, and heaps of fish everywhere, just as they had been dumped out of the pouches of the old birds and in different stages of putrefaction, and with all the filth of a fully occupied roosting-ground--upon all of which beat the rays of a summer's sun--the result was something to be remembered, but not to be desired. The three members of the party, whose desire for ornithological information is not among the principal traits of their character, and who preferred to take their first lessons in bird lore under less trying conditions, soon retreated to the boat.