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I The Warblers in Color

BIRD-LORE begins in its December issue, the publication of beautifully colored plates, accurately repre- senting all the plumages of North American Warblers, with migration records, compiled from data in the Biological Survey by W. W. Cooke. Th/s number, with a Christmas card of a before unpublished view of John Burrough's Cabin, "Slab- sides," will be sent free to all subscribers to Vol. IV, o4, of this magazine. Or, ou receipt of one dollar, we will send the magazine and the card inscribed with your name as donor of BIRD-Lou for o4, in time to be received as a 20 cents i number/51.00 i year b!cd by TrlE Co., 66 Tilth Avc., lcw York City --- $4-5o FOR $2.2 5 -- All ; m.a, ,a s.t. o. y... .................................... .so } All ! Birds of X, akelde and l'ralrle ............................ x.oo for j The lairles that Run the World and How They Do It. x.oo for ' Wild Birds In City Parks Inew edition) ................... 5o 2.2S (" o,o,e ............................................ ,o 2.2S otal amount of vahte .............................. $4.$o lxpress or Postage o cents additional. This is Another One of Our Great Combination Offers BXRDS &l' lg&'i'UR]. Monthly; 48 pages, 8XlO inches; per year, $L50. A lna/f.zine devoted to nature and illustrated by colorphotography. It is the only periodical in the world which publishes pictures of birds, animals, insects, flowers, plants, etc., in natural color. BIRDS O1' &IKI!XD] &ID R&XRX]. By Edward B Clark. This book contains field sketches of bird-life in the great Middle West. The author takes his readers afield with him and puts them in dose touch with our [esthered friends of lakeside, woodland and prairie. President Roosevelt on meethag Mr. Clark quite reeeutly, remarked: "You are the gentleman who wrote that paragraph about the prothouotary warbler. I read with great interest about that little bird--I am quite familiar with your book, Mr. Clark, and I hove always wanted to meet the man who wrote it. The prothouotary warbler was a new bird to me. Up to the time of reading about it in your book I never hod heard of this specimen." THB I&XIBS THAT RUN THB WOID AND HOW THBY DO IT. Byruest Vincent Wright. z zo pages, cloth, 30 full page illustrations. The sub] ects dealt with with in thi little hook are well kuown to children aud many pleasant thougbts regarding the workings of nature may be derived from its pages.

VXXD BXRDS Xlg CX' l'ARr!. By Herbert ugeue Walter and Alice Hall Walter. Pocket edition, 

pp. 66, cloth, with chart showing Migratiou of Birds. New edition, eutirely rewritteu, eularged, and in- cluding birds. both land and water. The object of this little book is to furnish those who may be haterested in making the acquaintance of wild birds with a simple letter of introduction to one hundred interesting birds. "These pictures are so natural that it fibhost seems as if the creature represented is going ,to start out of the page and escape."--Chicago RecordsHerald. .end o cents for sample copy of Birds and 1Vatere. l$1t for catalogue. .riddregs A., r. lVIUlVlFORD Publisher 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago

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