To get name, specialty in eggs, whether exchange. buy. sell, etc., inserted in "Oologists' Directory" feature of Tay10r's Standard Egg Cata105vc (Second Edition) The price of the Catalogue, issued in sumptuous style, is 2 5 cents only. It costs as much more, for insertions of all desired data in "Directory" feature of same. To all who write at once will forward two copies of first edition. I have received "Oodles" of letters from prominent Oologists who are aiding with valuable suggestions--why not yon? The book, which will be of convenient size, large type, up-to-date in every respect, was to be out Jnly 2oth. I have received word from New York that the electrotypes will not be here before Artgust. This gives time to hear from many collectors. Write at once. Your Oologically, HENRY REED TAYLOR Publisher ALAMEDA, a a a CALIFORNIA The Oologist Presents with its June issue the best article on Nesting of Bald Eagle published in late years. Best exchange and sale medium for oologists and ornithologists. If you are study- ing or collecting subscribe for the Oologist. If you have specimens, books or services to dispose of advertise in the Oologist. Subscriptions 5oe per year Advertising 5e per line Address, ERNST H. SHORT CHILI ' a NEW YORK FOR EXCHANGe--Choice Southern sets with standard data, Chuckwill's Widow, Swainsoh'S Warbler, American Oystercatcher. Willet, Wil- son's Plover, Night-hawk, Royal Stern, tlood- ed Warbler, Black Skimmer, Summer Tanager, etc., for AI sets. DR. M. T. CLECKLEV, 45? Greene St., Augusta, Ga. Uncle Sam's Island Possessions Are of interest to every American nowadays. "Notes of a Naturalist in Guam," written by Lieut. William I. Safford, who was Lieutenant- Governor of Guam after the Spanish war, is a series of beautifully illustrated articles telling about this remote island. They are published in THt PLANT WORLD An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Pop- ular Botany 0 With departments devoted to "The Home Garden and Greenhouse," and to the Wild Flower Preser- vation Society, of which this journal is the official organ. Sendstamp for a sample copy. mention- ing .THg CO,DOR. A copy of our souvenir and anmversary number free to every new subscriber. $x.5o per Year Address The Plant World Company P.O. Box 334- WASHINGTON, D.