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TIlE COIDO! An Illusraod Maazino of Wosorn Orni[holoy Published Bl=mon[hly by [he Cooper Ornl[holol= cal Club of California WALTEI K. FIHEI, Edil'or, Palo AII'o JOEPlrl GIIELL, Business ManaSger and Associate Edi[or, Pasadena 1. E. IIODGiLA, Associate Edlfor Palo Alo, California: Published July I 5, ! 904 Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies one dollar a year; single copies twenty-five cents. Price in all countries iu the International Postal Union one dollar and a quarter a year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Business Manager; manuscripts and exchanges to the Editor. Minutes of Club Meetings NORTHERN DIVISION MARCH.--The club met March 5, at the res- idence of Miss Sophie Englehardt, Oakland, one honorary member, Mr. W. E. Bryant, nineteen active members, and twelve visitors being present. The President, Mr. H. R. Taylor, was in the chair. The following were elected to active membership: P. B. Peabody, J. L. Childs, Vernon Bailey, G. W. Luce, and Miss Anna M. Wiebalk. There were ten ap- plications for membership: C. W. Richmond, Wash{ngton, D.C., Ruthyen Deane, Chicago, Ill., O. Widmann, St. Louis, Mo., William Brewster, Cambridge, Mass., and L. B. Bishop, New Haven, Conn., being proposed by Dr. A. K. Fisher; A. H. Keeney, Santa Barbara, and Jonathan Dwight, New York, by Mr. Grinnell; E. S. Cheney, Oakland, Cal., by Mr. Emerson; J. H. Flanagan, Providence, R. I., and Lieut. W. B. Eastman, San Francisco, by Chas. S. Thompson. A communication was read, in which Mr. Grinnell stated that the Club was in good condition financially, and on motion Mr. Grinnell was instructed to prepare a gen- eral statement of the financial affairs of the Club. Mr. W. Lee Chambers was appointed, to inspect the Club books. The business having been disposed of, the program was next taken up, Chas. S. Thomp- son reading a paper on "A Visit to a Yellow- billed Magpie Colony," which was discussed by the members, R. B. Moran and Mr. Kaeding making remarks. Mr. F. E. Newberry read an interesting paper on "The Osprey in Rhode Island," relating his experiences with the birds during several years. lie showed a fine series of photographs of osprey's nests, as well as sev- eral sets of eggs which were much admired. The meeting then adjourned to meet at the residence of Professor O. P. Jenkins, at Stan- ford University, May 7, I9O4. CHAS. S. THOMPSON, Secretary. MA.--The Club met May 7, at the residence of Prof. O. P. Jenkins, at Stanford University, sixteen active members and ten visitors being present. President H. R. Taylor was in the chair. Ten active members were elected as follows: Jonathan Dwight, Jr., A. H. Keeney, L. B. Bishop, William Brewster, O. Widmann, Ruthyen Deane, C. W. Richmond, Lieut. W. B. Eastman, J. H. Flanagan, and E. S. Cheney. There were three applications for membership. L. Stejneger, Washington, D.C., andS. F. Rathbun, Seattle, being proposed by Dr. A.K. Fisher, and Walter Deane, Cambridge, Mass., by Joseph Grinnell. The program was now taken up, Mr. N. Carpenter reading an interesting paper entitled "Bird Life on the San Luis Rey." Mr. Sny- der next spoke on "The Nesting of the Sierra Juneo at Stanford University." He exhibited a nest and three eggs of Sierra juneo taken at Stanford University, and the skin of the female parent. Mr. Snyder's talk was discussed at some length inasmuch as the Sierra juneo has been found "breeding out of its range, at an unusual time and in an unusual place." Mr. Thompson read an article from the "Pennsyl- vania Register" for 183x (el. p. 345) in which the nesting habits of the cliff swallow were de- scribed. This paper was also discussed, Mr. Taylor pointlug out that it was probably the first published observation on the cliff swallow's nesting on barns, showing that they must have changed their nesting places in that par- tieular locality at about this time. The meet- ing then adjourned to meet at the residence of H. R. Taylor, Alameda, Cal., July 9, x9o4. CHAS. S. THOMPSON, Secretary. The publication of a Catalogue, or manual, giving exchange valuations of nests and eggs, while not strictly speaking, a contribution to scientific knowledge, perhaps is not without its interest and value, particularly if the scale of relative valuations be worked out with care- ful consideration of the abundance or rarity of a given species, the question of a restricted range, demand, supply, European importations, recent explorations, or the contrary, and the numerous circumstances which must, as far as is possible, be reviewed in arriving at a judg- ment somewhere nearly correct. In this coun- try where private collections are almost a necessity in many instances for advanged stu- dents, a "Catalogue" such as the one m con- templation, while it may always fall short necessarily of perfection, is almost indispensi- ble as a guide in the exchange of specimens; while, in general, the prices indicated in the compendium may be said often to give eon- ererely and concisely a fair idea of the relative abundance of species--at least of such as are readily obtainable. Taylor's Standard American Egg Catalogue is to be issued early in August, with the A. O. U. list to date and prices thor- oughly revised with the assistance of prominent Oologists. The aetive cooperation in this task, which is in no sense a financial enterprise, of all interested, is asked and will be appreciated by H. R. TAYLOR. Alameda, Cal., July 5, I9O4.

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