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July, t9o 4 [ THE CONDOR to9

some other individual, was last seen June 26, perdhed on the topmost branch of a tall eucalyptus, where its loud call rang forth as in the coniferous forests of its usual summer home, the Transi- tion and Canadian zones.--VAI, TER K. FISHER. A Water Ouzel's le$t.-- The accompanying photograph of a water ouzel's nest (Cinclus meacicanus) was secured on the San Lorenzo, in Santa Cruz County, California. The nest was beautifully situated on the down-stream side of a big rock in the middle of rapids, where the water was boiling all around it. Although taken in i897, the nest was so round and compact- ly built that it is in perfect shape to-day, and the moss has a green, fresh look. The inside of the nest is lined with twigs, strips of redwood bark, and bay leaves. --GEORGE S. TOWNE, Palo .41to, Cal. Ball 8parrow (Amlahi- slaiza belli) in Santa Clara Co., California--On March 3 I, I9O4, I took two specimens of Bell sparrow near the San An- tonio Creek (locally known as Adobe Creek) in the foothills of Black Mountain (Monte Bello) Santa Clara Co., California. At least two others of the same species were seen, and since the specimens secured proved to be male and female adults, with sex organs well developed and en- larged, it is very probable that the species breeds here.--HUBERW O. JENKINS, Stanford l :niz,., Cal. llefting l:Iabit8 of the loelt Wren.--Noting Mrs. Bailey's most interesting article on the rock wren (Salpincles obsoletus) permit me herewith to quote a few lines on this interesting wren from my note book. During the years of I898 and I899, while sojourning in San Antonio, Texas, it was my good fortune to run across a colony of eight or ten pairs of rock wrens. Near the head of the San Antonio River in the northern suburbs 'of the city where the land is broken, of a limestone for- mation with almost no surface soil and covered with prickly pear and laurel, is quite an extensive lime-stone quarry. This, with its immediate environs, is the home of the colony of rock wrens, and was where I located and examined thirteen nests as follows: Nest l, April 2, I898; building in erevice in wall of quarry 20 feet up, the male assisting in its construction. This nest now be- fore me, and which is typical of this colony, is composed outwardly of weed stalks and dead grasses with aheavy layer of fine rootlets, the inner nest being fairly well cupped and heavily lined with grayish goat hair. Inside diameter of this nest is 2a/ inches with a depth of T. inches, the whole being placed in and tipon a cup-shaped foundation or rim composed of numerous and various sized flat stones deposited by the birds, the interstices and uneven places on bottom of crevice being filled with these stones, forming a walk to the nest which was placed 8 inches in from face of wall. There must have been at least a half pint of these lime-stone chips, and it seems incredible how so small a bird with so slender a bill can carry stones of such a size and weight to such a height. Measurements of three of the larger stones before me are as follows: 2byby;iIbyiby.a;ibya/by3-I6. In weight they each run something over one- fourth of an ounce. On April ;sth this nest contained 6 eggs. z%sl 2, April 2, building. This nest was placed in a small cavity in a pile of loose refuse rock and debris 3 feet up, the material being practically identical with that of No. I. This nest rested in a cup-shaped foundation of flat stones. No signs of a walk existed, possibly owing to lack of space. On April 26th nest contained 6 newly hatched young. During incubation the male was quite wary but very attentive to his mate, taking her all the most choice morsels in the way of small beetles. On April 7th I was rewarded by locating three nests. Vest 3 con-

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