unknown cause it was deserted and being exposed to the wind and weather soon decreased in size until now it is a mere platform of sticks, but still a relic of former days. Probably some day it will be repaired and made use of. The nest is usnally placed in the upright branches of an elm or oak, eight to fifty feet above the ground. Of the thirty-five nests that I have so far found, two- thirds are yearly reoccupied, but whether by the same pair of birds, I am unable to say. The birds are always careful in selecting a position where they are enabled to view the entire surrounding country with ease. When an intruder approaches, the parent immediately leaves without the slightest noise and is lost to view for a time. After a short while it retnrns with its mate and both alight on some nearby tree and watch the proceedings with much interest. Sometimes they will even alight on the same tree that contains the nest, while the intrnder is examining the same. Again I have seen both birds flying about overhead, constantly uttering a loud guttural sound. Of the thirty-five nests that have come under my observation, thirty were composed solely of broomweed and without a lining, two were built of broomweeds and sznall briars, while the remaining three were built of various sub- stances, such as corn husks, small sticks, broomweed, mesquite twigs and the like. Sometimes old nests of hawks are appropriated. and to these are added a few broomstraws, or weeds. Two and three eggs are laid, two being the usual comple- ment. Surely few hawk, eagle, or vulture eggs present a greater diversity in col- oration. The usual color is a light brown, which is marbled and clouded with various shades of darker brown. Some eggs are solid brown, some have a light chocolate ground, spotted and clouded with various shades of darker brown, and again I have seen eggs of a rich reddish brown. If washed in water when fresh they will readily lose color, and become a dirty white. On one occasion I found a nest containing two eggs of this species which were almost white. They had been exposed to much rain for the entire coloring was washed off. Incubation was well advanced and on this account I was unable to preserve them. Three eggs in my cabinet collected March 1, 19o2 , have a light brown ground color spotted, streaked and clouded with a darker shade of brown. They measure respectively 2. 9 by 1.74; 2.23 by 1.82; 2.12 by .82 inches. The picture accompanying this article was taken by the writer in April 19o2 in Caldwell county. The nest contained one fresh egg, which was left undisturbed and after two days a full set was secured. These birds do not thrive in captivity. I saw two in San Pedro Park, in San Antonio, last summer. They were in a very small cage and though full grown were much smaller than the birds which are at liberty. They were very active, and watched with much interest the people that were passing by. FPOl FIELD AND STUDY Two Unusual Birds at Stanford University, Cal.--At the May meeting of the Cooper Club, Prof. John O. Snyder of Stanford University, exhibited a specimen and nest and eggs of the Sierra iunco (funco ]. t]urberi) which he had secured in the Stanford Arboretum. The nest was built between the loose bark and the trunk of an eucalyptus, several feet from the ground, a quite unusual positiou for a junco. One would naturally expect to find the Point Pinos junco, if any; but this specimen, compared with the type of the latter species turns out to be the inland bird. The other junco oi the pair, or perhaps there is a little colony, was seen by the writer all through the spring, and as late as July , when it was observed perched head downward, drink- ing from a hydrant. In the last issue of this magazine a little note was inserted stating that an olive-sided fly- catcher (Con/opus borea/is) had taken up residence in the Stanford Arboretum. This bird, or