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The Red-footed Booby on Nest, Laysan Island ................ FiXalter It'. Fisher, Frontispiece A Dusky Grouse and Her Brood in New Mexico (x halftone) ....... Florence/l'erriam Bailey 87 Three Boobies Interviewed (7 halftones and frontispiece)... FiXalger It'. Fisher, drohn O. Snyder 89 California Jays and Cats .................................................. .Joseph dlrailliard 95 The Leconte Thrasher ................................................. IL French Gilman 94 Mr. Harry C. Oberholser (portrait) ....................................................... 98 About the Utah Gull .................................................. Rev. S. H. Goodwin 99 The Birds of the John Day Region, Oregon ............................ Love Holmes ,'tliller Nesting Habits of the Carscars (x halftone) ............................. dolph E. hnllze FIELD AND STUDY Two Unusual Birds at Stanford University, California ................. F'alttr K. FisJ,'r A Water Ouzet's Nest (halftone) ...................................... George $. Towne xo9 Ben Sparrow in Santa Clara County, California .......................... H. O. fe,kins o 9 Nesting Habits of the Rock Wren ................................. Philo l'. $milh, fr. Melanism in Buteo borealis calurus .................................... l'. O. Emerson A Few Notes on Bird Life at Three Rivers, California ..................... IF. F. NOTES AND NEWS .................................................................... Minutes of Meetings ..................................................................... Taylor's Catalogue ...................................................................... Entered January x6, o3, at Palo Alto, Cal., as second-class matter. NOTICE ! All Lovers Collectors o[ Iirds and Jigs will please send name and address, to DR. S. D. LUTHER & O1, FAYETTEVILLIg, ARK., for insertion in our Ornithologists' and Oologists' Directory. We want every subscriber of this magazine to comply with this request, as we desire this Directory to be complete, and to serve as a medium of exchange, both of Field Notes, and Specimens, between all of the Bird Lovers in the U. ., East, West, North, and outh. If you desire to advance this fascinating Nature Study, to the position. which it desees, then write us today. Your insertion is free gratis. pecial advertisements at reasonable rates. Subscrib- tions will be received at once, but no cash remit- tances will be accepted until all names are in at which time, all will be given due notice. Address all communications to Dr. -% D. Luther & -Son, 11ox z6a Fayetteville, Ark. TIlE AMERICAN BIRD MAGAZINE Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and insttalctive Bird Literature. Everything original. Each number contains Ten !lirda in Natural Colors For identifications Monthly. $I.OO per year Sin[le Copies lO cent Everyone subscribing now is entitled to a Life - sized Enlargement of the Chippy lamtly" in natural colors, on paper 12x2o inches. This is prob- ably the best photograph ever taken of an entire family of live wild birds, SPECIAL x x x To all who mention "The Condor' we will send Vol. I and II, and sub- criptions for z9o3, with the "Chippy Family," for lg2.$o. Address Amcriean Ornithology WorceSter, 1a88o

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