BIRDS OF CALIFORNIA By IRENE GKOSVENOR WHEELOCli ills is the first book to absolutely cover the field. The author has personally visited and studied most of the species described, her researches extending from the southernmost to the uortherumost bounderies of the state, and from the islands off the coast to the easteru coast oi the Sierras. Her book is intended to be all that the most exacting student may reqtdre; her keys for the determinatiorf of the species are correct. as well as simple. lor the conveniance of the beginuer, the pubhshers have supplied a chart of a bird, explaining the terms used; while a map of the State, sitowing the zones of di-tribution and the breeding ranges, adds to the usefulness of the x'olume. Althoulh Mrs. XVheelock has drawn upou vatsous reliabre sources for her accouuts of the habits of the species, the puhlishers point out that most of her observations are original; aud the charm of her own bright and enter- taining phraseology adds to the inter- est of her statements. She herself xqsited the islands, and encountered hardships and inconvenieuces in her endeavors to secure information at first-hand. The work is brought out in the most attractive style pos:ible. There are to full-page plates and 78 text draw- ings, all by Bruce 1Iorsfall, who stands in the front rank of bird delineators of today. The artist has fairly sur- passed himself in his effort to provide this work with telling illustrations, nud the engravers and printers have been choseu with a view of provid- ing the most effective productions possible. Illustrated b 9 Bruee Hotsfall. 6oo pages, ltml leatter, $5o net.
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