TAYLOR'S CATALOGUE--Read page ad in this issue and respond at once, to have part in prep- aration of the Standard Catalogue of eggs and skins for exchangers--2d edition, which will have many new features. The adjustment of exchange values on bird skins will be in the hands of a well known ornithologist, familiar with that branch. Prices so arranged that skins may be exchanged for eggs by same catalogue on equitable basis. H. R. T.,'LOR, Publisher. Alameda, Cal. FOR SALE--Fine sets of Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Duck Hawk. Want sets Swal- low-tailed, White-tailed and Everglade Kites, for cash or exchange, also Red-bellied Hawk, Cranes, Limpkin, and others. Make offers, with full particulars. H.R. TAYLOR, Box 95, Alameda, Cal. FOR EXCHANGE--Choice Southern sets with standard data, Chuckwill's Widow, SwainsoWs Warbler, American Oystercatcher, Willet, Wil- sows Plover, Night-hawk, Royal Stern, Hood- ed Warbler, Black Skimmer, Summer Tanager, etc., for AI sets. DR. iI. T. CLECKLEY, 457 Greene St., Augusta, Ga. ORNITHOLOGICAL BOOKS FOR SALEmi have the following "Bird Books" to dispose of for cash or for "Bird Books" not in my collection. Pacific R. R. Survey, I3 vols. complete; Bulle- tin Nuttall Ornithological Club, complete 8 vols.; Bay State Oologist complete in 6 nos.; Fisher's "Hawks and Owls," and several hun- dred Oologists, Ospreys, Nidiologist, O & O, Oregon Naturalist (complete except 2 nos.) and others. Seld a list of your wants and I may be able to supply them. I want O. & O. first 8 vols., Auk, vols. m, 2, 3 and 6, and lots of old bird books. I especially want old government reports. All letters carefully noted and an- swered. W. LEE CH-KMBERS, Santa Monica, Cal. WANTED--Back volumes of The Auk as [ol- lows: Vols. , 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, z, also mam- mal skins. Will pay cash or exchange the fol- lowing books: Expl. and Survey for R. R. from the Mississippi to Pac. Ocean, Vols. 8, 9, IO, x853-56, Geol. Survey of the Terr., Vol. II, N. A. Rodentia, Coues & Allen, 857. Birds of North and Middle America, Part x, Ridgway. W. L. BUI1NETT, I28 N. Sherwood St., Fort Collins, Colo. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES All sent prepaid Coues' New Key, 2 vols., 9.5o Chapman's Color Key, 2.45 Bailey's Handbook Birds Western United States, 3.50 North American Birds Eggs, 2.5o Scientific Taxidermy and Modelling. M. Brom, 3.5o Any book or magazine published, prompt quo- tations. Back vols. and odd numbers of bird magazines, oologists, Naturalists' and Taxidermists' tools and supplies, oological specimens in fine sets. Lists of all on re- quest. BENJAMIN I-IoAG, Stephentown, New York. Pacific Coas[ Avilanrta, No. 4 Birds of the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona This ?s-page pamphlet has just n Iued by e Cper Oitholocal Club as the gour its .H of special papers. We li that it can be 8Rgly put down as the most valuable contribution to the oitholo of the middle- west oi rt yea. In it we find a soHy- written rerd of the author's three sea,ns of active field-work in an unique re,on from an avifaunal standpoint. The nestiug habits many rRre spe are descried. and critical remarks on puzxling speci are nitiously advanced. The migration notes alone are unusual aHng on the general subject. pauly ou aount of the geogphil ition SOB. Eve ORNITHOLOGIST shoIIld prure and regully $ly this re. Peteo, 50 Cons, PoMpaid PacCo Coa vi/auna, (complete set, to date), .. Address: JOSEPH G!ELL C O.C. Business Manag
Pasadena Caligornla