BIRD MAGAZINE Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. Everything original. Each number contains Ten Birds in Nuturul Colors For identifications Monthly, $1.00 per year Single Copies 10 cents Everyone subscribix]g now is entitled to a Life- sized Enlargement of the "Chippy ]Family"in natural colors, on paper zex2o inches. This is prob- ably the best photograph ever taken of an entire family of live wild birds. SPECIAL x x x To all who mention "The Condor" we will scud Vol. I and II, and sub- scriptions for i9o3, with the "Chippy Family," for $e.5 o. Address American 0enithology Worcester, ass. Uncle Sam's Island Possessions Are of interest to every American nowadays. "Notes of a Naturalist in Guam," written by Lieut. William E Safford, who was Lieutenant- Governor of Guam after the Spanish war. is a series of beautifully illustrated articles telling about this remote island. They are published in THE PLANT WORLD Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Pop- ular Botany, With departmeuts devoted to "The Home Garden and Greenhouse," and to the Wild Flower Preser- vation Society, of which this jonrnal is the official organ. Send stamp for a sample copy, meutiou- illg THE CONDOR. A copy of OUr 5otlvellir and anniversary number free to every negv subscriber. $x.5o per Year Address The Plant World Company P.O. BOx 334. WASHINGTON D, C. BULLETIN OF THE Michigan Ornithological Club An !llusteated Quarterly devoi'ed to ]'he Ornitholoty of the reat Lake Xlea'ander 1. flat'n, .ft.. F. dl'lOy .l. Claire Hood and lff alter B. Barroars, Xs$oc/atex Beginning with i9o4, the BULLETIN enters upon its fifth volume. Each issue is filled with notes fresh from the field and museum. A large corps of field ornithologists are among its coutributors, which makes it indispensible to all live bird students. If youwant theleading field magaziue of the East, you will have to read the BULLETIN. Have you seen the March issue (3 6 pages) ? It conrefits besides many iuteresting and valuable articles the complete notes on the "Diicovery of the Breeding Area of Kitland's Warbler." Fine illustrations appear in each issue. You cannot get along without the BULLETIN. Subscription, 50 Cents per Year flarepie Copy, I. Cents Vols. I, I! and lI! sre out of print and cannot be supplied at any price. A few complete sets of Vol. IV 09o3) can still be supplied at 5o cents per voltime Address all commuuications to CHAiLES E. WISNEI Btlsiuess Matlager I I I $ Brooklln Ave. !)etrolt, Mich. [laine's [ird Ilalazine{ Have you seen the 1001111At or It is a quartegly journal of Maine ornithology; "Bird protection, bird study, the spread of the knowledge thus gained, these are our objects," Volume V, beginning with the January 9o3 number, 5o cents per annum, I5 cents, per copy. Send stamp for sample copy. j. MERTON SWAIN, ditor & Business Manager,