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......................... IV. A: ]s/er Frontispiece Courting Antics of Man-o'-war Birds. he Home Life of a Buccaneer (frontispiece and one halftone) ............ lItlter A'. Fisher 57 The Fatallone Islands Revisited, I&'7-I9o 3 (8 halftones and x map) ....... IV.. Otlo Emerson 6I Twelve Rock Wren Nests in New Mexico (2 halftones) ....... Florence 9trerriam/dadey 68 Some Winter Birds of the High Sierras (3 halftones) ................. iiVlliam II x. Price 7 Explanatory ........................................................ Lymau Belding 74 Nevada Notes ................................................... lVilxon Hanna 76 FROM FIELD AND STUDY. XVilson Snipe, Gallinago delicata (Ord.), in the Hawaiian Islands II'Sn. /41anson Byan 78 The Albatross Dance at Sea ..................................... IV. t: Fisher 78 Icterus bullocki as a Honey Eater .................................... 1t . O. Emerson 78 The Western Evening Grosbeak at Pescadero. Cal ........... IV. H. Jackson 78 A Labor Saving Egg Blower ........................................ IV. E. Saunders 78 A Sage Sparrow in Boulder Co., Colo ......................... F. 3[. Oille 79 The Coues Flycatcher as a Guardian of the Peace. Road-runners Eat Young Mockingbirds ....... . ........................ I$ . A: bshe THE EDITOR'S BOOK SHELF: Swarth's Birds of the Huachuca Mountains, Arizona, ,4. : dsher, 8o; Wheelock's Birds o California, J. Grinndl, 8I; Nelson's Revision of Myiarchus, 8I, and Descriptions of New Mexican Birds, 82; Chapman's A New Grouse from California, 82; $illoway's Additional Notes to Summer Birds of Flat- head Lake 82; XVeed's Bird Life Stories 82 McGregor's Phillipinc Birds 82, Period- icals, 82, 83 .......... I$( : Fisher NOTES AND NEWS ................... ................. O. It x. Howard 79 8o ............................. 83, 84 "The most complete text-book of regional ornithology which has ever been pnblished." MR. HANDBOOI OF BIRDS OF THE WESTERN UNITED STATES By FLORENCE MERRIAM BAILEY With 33 full-page plates from drawings by Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and over 600 text illustrations. $3.5 Net. Postpaid $3.69. "Up to the present time we have lacked a scientt. fic manual of our westesn birds, and it has remained for Mrs. Bailey to supply the very pressing need. This book is in exery way adequate and will no doubt stimulate to good work many who, heretofore for lack ot proper literature, have felt their enthusiam scarcely equal to the task of mastering our perplexing avifauna. The HXlDnOOK will supply this WALTER . FISHER, ill THE CONDOR. M&$. OLLIVE THORNE MILLE&'$ WITH THE !IRDS IN MAINE 16 mo. $1.50 Net. Posde 10 nts M. Miller here enters with real sympnty the fiomestie affairs of the br fnHies she has watched fluting the last ten years, anti tel firoil anti trne tles of their doings, traits R. ALF HOFFMANN'S GiDE TO THE MRD Illustrated by FUERTES and others 12 mo. $1.50 Net. PostalOe Extra & complete guide to the identification of Birds of New England and Eastern New York. It treats in a general and attractive manner all the regular land- hirds, and includes acconuts of the commoner shore- birds and such sea birds as nay generally be seen from the shores.


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