[ $4.xo FOR $2.00 ]
A Combination That Means Something. BIRDS AND NATURE (one year) ............ $I'50 BIRDS OF SONG AND STORY (Grinnell) .. i.oo GAME OF BIRDS ............................... 35 GOLDEN PHEASANT (Colored Picture) ...... 5 ALL FOR ONLY LITERATURE GA]E .......................... 15 GAME OF INDUSTRIES ...................... '-5 TWENTY-FIVE PICTURES(From Birds o.o Nature).5o 2.00 The total mount of value ............... $4.io BIRDS AND NATURE--- Monthly; 48 pages, 8xio inches; per year, $I.5o. A magazine devoted to nature, and illustrated by color photography. It is the only periodical in the world which pubhshes pictures of birds, animals, insects, flow- ers, plants, etc., in natural colors. light full page plates each month. "Certainly no periodical, and brobably no book, on birds ever found anything like such favor with the public as BIRDS AND NATUR,.-- .!{venz'ng Post, ew York. BIRDS OF SONG AND STORY A bird book for Audubon societies, x6 color plates. GE O1 BIRDS Illustrations of popular birds,in colors true to nature, on$2 finely enam- eled cards 5tx3t inches. Enclosed in case with full directions for playing. A beautiful and fascinating game. GOLDEN PHEASANT - A beautiful Picture for framing. Printed in natural colors on fine paper i8x24 inches. LITERATURE GAIE- --50o Questions and Answers in English Literature. ;0o cards, 24x 3 inches. Interesting and instructive. GAME OF INDUSTRIES -Educational--4oo Questions and Answers on the great industries of our country. 40o eards, 2x 3 inches. REMEMBER --.A year's subscription to BIRDS AND NATURE and "Birds of Song and Story" alone amount to $2.50. If you now take BIRDS AND NATURE your subscription will be advanced one year. .4 sample of Birds and :Vature for a dime and two ennfes--ze cents in stamps. end for Catalogue. A. W. MUMFORD, Publisher, 378 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. The Warblers in Color[ BIRD-LORE begins in its December issue, the publication of beautifully colored plates, accurately repre- senting all the plumages of North American Warblers, with migration records, compiled from data in the Biological Survey by W. W. Cooke. This number, with a Christmas card of a before unpublished view of John Burrough's Cabin, "Slab- sides," will be sent free to all subscribers to Vol. IV, i9o4, of this magazine. Or, on receipt of one dollar, we will send the magazine and the card inscribed with your name as donor of BIRD-LORE for I9O4, in time to be received as a 20 cents & number; $l.00 & ye&r Published by THE MACA!ILLAN Co., 66 Fifth Ave., New Yor City