THE C08D01 An Illusratod Ma/azino of Western Ornithology Published Bl-monthly by the Coope Ornitholo/l- eal Club of California WALTEIZ K. FIEiHEIZ, Editor, Palo Alto JOSEPH GIZIHHELL, Business Manager and Associate Editor, Pasadena !. E. [qODGI.A, Associate Editor Palo Alto, California: Published March [ 5, 1904 SUBSCRIPTION RATI$8 Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies one dollar a year; single copies twenty-five cents. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union one dollar and a quarter a year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Business Manager; manuscripts and exchanges to the Editor. Minutes of Club Meetings NORTHERN DIVISION NOVEMBER.--Held at the Phi Kappa Psi House, Berkeley, Nov. 7, x9o3. President Tay- lor in the chair. Owing to the resignation of Mr. Kaeding the Club was without a secretary. Mr. Thompson was appointed secretary pro tern. There were sixteen members and six vis- itors present, and after the reading and ap- proving of the minutes of the previons meet- ing, three new members were elected: T. S. Palmer, Washington, D.C.; F. M. Chap- man, New York City; and Geo. L. Kaed- ing, San Francisco. The resignations of Miss A. F. Keeferand R. Kocherwere accepted. Article II, section I, as amended, was passed and accepted by the Southern Division. The amendment of Article III, section I was rejected. Two communications were read, one from Mr. Kaeding, one from Mr. Bade. The follow- ing new members were proposed: Miss A. M. Brown, Pacific Grove; E. W. Nelson, Washing- ton, D. C; A. K. Fisher, Washington, D.C.; J. H. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., by Mr. Fisher; E. Gifford, Alameda, by Mr. Cohen; C. W. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., and L. A. Fuertes, Ithaca, N. ., by Mr. Kaeding; Jessie E. But- ler, Pasadena, by Mr. Grinnell, and F. E. New- bury, Alameda, by Mr. Taylor. Upon motion of Mr. Emerson, Mr. Thomp- sou was appointed secretary for the remainder of the year. After a short intermission, the following were nominated as officers for the ensuing year: President, H. R. Taylor; Senior Vice-president, R. B. Moran; Junior Vice-president, W. Earle Mulliken; Treasurer, J. Grinnell; Secretary, Chas. S. Thompson. After some discussion, it was decided to hold the annual meeting at the residence of H. R. Taylor, Alameda. The fol- lowing program was presented: "Observations in Illinois during the Summer of I9O2," by Miss I. M. Eschenberg; "Clapper Rails," by Mr. H. H. Bailey; ' ' Nesting of the Pine Siskin, '" by Mr. H. W. Cartiger. Meeting adjourned until January ninth, x9o4. CHAS. S. THOMPSON, Secretary. J,NU,R.--The annual meeting was held at the residence of President H. R. Taylor, Ala- meda, January 9, x9o4. There were eighteen members and eight visitors present, among the latter, Mrs. J. E. Barlow. Nine new members were elected, as follows: E. W. Nelson, Wash- ington, D.C., C. W. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., Miss J. F. Butler, Pasadena, A. K. Fisher, Washington, D.C., J. H. Bowles, Tacoma, Wash., E. W. Gifford, Alameda, L. A. Fuertes, Ithaca, N. ., F. E. Newberg, Alameda, and Miss A.M. Brown, Pacific Grove. Five applications for membership were read: P. B. Peabody, Sundance, Wyo., and J. L. Childs, Floral Park, N. ., being proposed by Mr. Grinnell, Miss Anna Wiebald, Oakland, by Miss Swett, C. W. Luce, Haywards, by Mr. Emerson. and Vernon Bailey, Washington, D. C., by Mr. Fisher. The following officers were elected to serve during i9o4. President, H. R. Taylor; Senior Vice-president, R. B. Moran; Junior Vice-pre- sident, E. Mulliken; Treasurer, Jos. Grinnell; Secretary, Chas. S. Thompson. Walter K. Fisher was appointed editor-in-chief of THE CONDOR, with J. Grinnell and R. E. Shodgrass as associates. Mr. Emerson, in a few well-chosen words, congratulated Mr. Taylor on his reelection, voicing the sentiments of the Club. Mr. Tay- lor replied, and outlined his policy for the coming year. The following program was pre- sented. Mr. Anderson read an interesting paper entitled "A Bird Island in Cook Inlet, Alaska," and Mr. Emerson entertained the as- sembly by a lecture on "Adaptations in the Bills and Feet of B rds. Mr. Emerson's lec- ture was illustrated by a fine display of bird skins. After the program a vote of thanks was ten- dered the editors and manager of THE CON- DOR for the able manner in which the paper had been conducted during 9o3. The meeting adjourned, to meet in Oakland, March 5, x9o4. All present then did ample justice to the boun- teous spread which had been provided by the host, Mr. Taylor. CHAS. S. THOMPSON, Secretary. In Re Tay10rs Catalogue Through a misunderstanding I allowed my name to be used prematurely in connection with a proposed revison of Taylor's Catalogue, as per notice in January 9o4 CONDOR. I nOW state that I am not connected with Taylor's Catalogue in any manner.--D. A. COHEN. Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright, in January Bird Lore, has a little sermon, with the suggestive text "Keep on Pedaling!" This is a good motto for any club, the Cooper Club among others. The application is not far to seek. There is a decided tendency, in any organiza- tion, to attempt the difficult feat of coasting up hill.