Mar., i9o41 THE CONDOR 53
Mr. Oberholser has given us a revision of the American forms of the genus Aslo( which super- cedes tubo) and these he considers are referable to one species, the various races being intimately connected by individual or geographical intergrades. On this account the specific designation changes to magellanicus, which has precedence over virginianus. Sixteen forms are recognized, of which six are new. Isio magellanicus icelus, from San Luis Obispo, Cal., ranges over the coast of California north to about 35 north latitude. I. m. lagophonus, from Fort Walla Walla, ranges over Washington and northern Oregon (excepting the coast region), and Idaho; north through eastern and central British Columbia to Cook Inlet and the interior of Alaska. /. m. helerocnemis hails from Labrador, and ,'/. m. algislus from the northwest coast region of Alaska. The other two come from Costa Rica and Mexico. The following are now the recognized Cali- fornian forms: 4sio magellanicus pallescens (Stone), southeastern portion of state; pacificus (Cassin), "California, except the southeastern part and the northern and central coast districts; extending northward to Fort Klamath, Oregon, eastward to the San Francisco Mrs., Ariz." (Dulzura, San Diego, St. Tejon, Fullerton, San Bernardino, Ft. Crook, Kern Lakes, Red Bluff); icelus Oberholser (San Luis Obispo, Redwood City, Nicasio). Mr. Oberholser has discovered the interesting fact "that there exists in at least several of the American forms, and probably in not a few of the old world species as well, a dicromatism com- parable to that of the genus Otus [Aregascops] though perhaps not so impressive, which is mani- fested in a light and a dark, sometimes also a rufous or ochraceous, phase, independent of sex, age, season, or locality; in extreme conditions entirely distinct, yet completely connected by vari- ous intermediates. This dichromatism, or rather, polychromatism, together with better know- 1edge of actual distribution, serve to explain away the supposed interrupted distribution of one or two West American races." An Analytical Key to the American Forms of Asio, Based on Adult Females, is included in this welcome and valuable paper. A REvIEw OF THE WRENS OF THE GENUS TROGLODYTES. By HARRY C. OBERHOLSER. From Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. XXVII, x9o4, x97-2xo. The genus as here restricted comprises a group of wrens that is wholly American, 37 species and subspecies being recognized, of which three are new. The West Indian forms commonly at- tributed to Thryothorus are included, and a new genus, Thryorchilus, founded on Troglodytes browni Bangs is erected. The revision does not affect the status of the forms now recognized in the United States.--WALTER K. FISHER. NEWS NOTES Joseph Grinnell and Joseph Mailliard spent the Christmas holidays collecting at Palm Springs. An account of their trip is given on another page. At the last A. O. U. Congress R. E. Snodgrass was elected Member of the Union. W. Otto Emerson writes that the first Selasphoruv rufus passed northward through Hay- 'wards, February i6, "like a streak of fire." Ever since then meteors have been at a discount in Haywards. The Southern Division recently held a successful public meeting at Throop Institute, Pasa- dena. Over x5o visitors were present and a number of popular papers were read by Dr. Newkirk, Prof. Grinnell, and others. At the A. O. U. Congress the Union voted to abolish the 'bond clause' from its model bird law. A. C. McClurg and Company have just issued a popular book on California birds by Mrs. Irene Grosvenor Wheelock. This will be reviewed in our next issue. Joseph Mailliard recently read a paper entitled, "A Midwinter Trip to the Colorado Desert" before the Section of Ornithology, California Academy of Sciences. Edmund Heller is collecting in Mexico for the Field Columbian Museum of Chicago. The Delaware Valley Ornithological Club has recently issued the seventh number of Uassinia, for x9o3. The leading article, John K. Townsend, with portrait, is contributed by Witmet Stone. Among the other articles we note Water Birds of the Middle Delaware Valley by Henry W. Fow- ler. The brochure is beautifully printed and is one of which the club may feel justly proud. The Southern Division of the Cooper Club announces No. 4 of the Pacific Coast Avifauna series for the near future.