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spotted belly; crown sepia; ground color of back btstre; white stripes of back with a tendency to break up into two sagittate or tuneate spots through invasion of the median part of the blackish parallel borders. Couesi, (or anlhonyi, if distinct from couesi) as found in California: tail with the interme- diate teetrices mostly black, the white bars on the inner webs often reduced to one or two white spots; ground color of abdomen and flanks fulvous; chin white; throat heavily spotted with black, sometimes nearly solid black, and strongly contrasting with the scantily spotted belly and flanks, the spots on these parts more or less linear; crown varying from seal brown on the coast (at San Diego) to sepia in the interior; the white stripes on the back in the Californian coast region and in Arizona and New Mexico are broken into spots as in bryanli, while in those from the Colorado Desert region they are linear as in. affiis.--FRANK STEPHENS, Sa Diefro, Cal. Dusky Itorttel Lark in Lake {2outtty.--Mr. A. W. Johnson has recently sent me a specimen of Otocoris alpestris merrilli which he took at Red Hill Ranch near Upper Lake, Lake county, California, November I3, I893. It was one of a large flock of similar birds which remained in the vicinity about three weeks. Mr. Johnson states that this is the only time that he has ever met with any sort of horned lark in Lake county, and doubtless the flock observed were winter visitants from the northeast. I also have a skin of O. a. merrilli taken by M. P. Ander- son at Yreka, California, March I4, I9O.--J. GRINNELL, Pasadena, CaL THE EDITOP,'$ BOOIi SHELF THE BIRDS OF FERGUS COUNTY, MONTANA. By P.M. SILLOWAY. Bulletin No. I, Fergus County Free High School. 8 vo. 78 pages; numerous halftone plates. Lewistown, Mont. i9o 3. The Birds of Fergus County, Montana, is really a handbook of the birds to be found in cen- tral Montana. An introductory sketch of the topography of Fergus county, with map, is followed by a. Partial Bibliography of Montana Birds. Under each species biographical and distribution notes are recorded, with a paragraph on "Distinguishing Fcatures"--a brief description to aid the general reader in recognizing the bird. An analysis of the list, given at the end, shows that thirty species are permanent residents; IOI species summer residents, 3I species migrants, 3 spec- ies winter residents or visitors, and 4 other visitors; total I79 species. Numerous halftones of live birds, nests and eggs, by M. J. Elrod and E. R. Warren, add much to the usefulness of this ex- cellent piece of work. PAPERS FROM THE HOPKINS-STANFORD GALAPAGOS EXPEDITIONI898-I899. XVI BIRDS. By ROBERT EVANS SNODGRASS and EDMUND HELLER. From Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. V, Jan. 78, I9O4, pp. 31-37. In this paper the authors present the ornithological results of their explorations among the Galapagos Archipelago, and IO 9 species and subspecies are listed, extending through 3 families. Under each species is given pertinent synonomy, range, field observations and often critical notes. Measurements and notes on life colors are also frequently included. Naturally the greatest in- terest centers about the various species of the three peculiar Galapagos genera, Geospiza, Cerlhi- des and fVesomimus, the accounts of which are particularly full, including description of plum- age stages, pterylosis, color of bills, relationship between color of bill and plumage, and maturity, nature of change from one phase of plumage to next--moulting, habits, song, nests and eggs. In the case of those species which include several races the authors have made an innovation. "A number is given to each species of a genus, and this number is intended to stand, not for the form first named, but for the sum of all the subspecies, where subspecies that compose the species occur, not this number and a letter for each of the other subspecies as in the A. O. U. Check List. Each variety of a species is lettered. Thus: 63, Geospizafortis consists of 63a, G Joriis fortis, 63b, G. fortisfratercu/a, etc; not 63, Geospizaforlis; 63 a G. fortisfratercula." In the text the word "series" follows the species heading, thus: 55- TI-IE GEOSPIZA PROSTHEMELAS SERIES. Sac- tospiza, Camarhynchus and Caclornis are regarded as subgenera of Geospiza. The present paper is a very carefully prepared and valuable contribution to our knowledge of the avifauna of the Galapagos. A REVISION OF THE AMERICAN GREAT HORNED OWLS. By HARRY C. OBERHOLSER. From Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. XXVII, I9o4, p. 77-I92.

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