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Mar., 19o4

THE Oreoriyac picius Lophorlyc caliJbrnicus (Sonoran also) Dryobates villosus harrisi * Colapies cafer collaris Xelaspt}orus (alleni?) Coniopus richardoni * Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea CONDO R 5 Cotopus'borealis * (higher mountains only) Canadian Junco hyemalis thurberi Piranga ludoviciana Geothlypis tolmiei Cinclus mecicanus Merula migratoria propinqua The following 'non-committal' species, indicative of no zone in particular, occur mostly in the valley: Cathartes aura Scolecophagus cyanocephalus Buteo borealis calurus Hirundo erythrogastra Falco sparverius Petrochelidon lunifrons Corvus americanus Finally the species found exclusively in the valley are with few exceptions diagnostic of the Upper Sonoran zone. Such forms are familiar birds throughout this zone in California, and are marked thus Zenaidura macroura. * Common everywhere in the valley. Though this is a wandering bird it breeds most frequently in the Upper Sonoran.zone. Tyrannus verticalis. * A common bird in the open valley. ,4phelocoma californica. * This proved to be an abundant bird, spending much time in young groves of garryana oaks. The bird taken was gorged with spiders. Joseph Grinnell has separated the jay of the Willamette Valley, Oregon, under the subspecific name immams, on the strength of its exceptionally long tail and somewhat stouter build. The ttoopa bird is clearly californica, as are those from Siskiyou and Lassen counties, which I have examined. On the other hand a specimen from Klamath Falls, Oregon, is precisely intermediate. Sturnella neglecta. * Common. (Breeds also in Transition.) Carpodacus mecicams frontalis. Rare. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. * Abundant in open. Spizella soc:alis arizonce. Common in digger pine groves and Ceanothus cuneatus thickets. Pipilo maculatus oregonus. Common. Pipilo crissalis. * Common, and a characteristic bird of the valley. Zamelodia melanocephala. * Common. Cyanospiza amoena.  Common, especially in the Ceanothus cuneatus thickets. I7ireo gilvus swainsoni. Very common. Zlendroica testira. A common bird among the willow thickets and smilax tangles by the river. Zlendroica nigrescens.  Several were observed among the Ceanothus cuneatus and digger pine thickets. lcteria virens longicauda.  A common and characteristic bird; one continually heard but not often seen. I heard one sing at intervals till late at night, though there wasno moon.- WALTER K. Cactus Wrens.--Since the appearance of Mr. Swarth's paper on "The Status of the South- ern California Cactus Wren" I have had an opportunity to examine Mr. Anthony's series of g-Ieleodytes. As these, with the entire collection, are to go east and will be lost to western work- ers I made a hasty study of them, with Mr. Anthony's permission, as being the last opportunity. I sum up my conclusions as follows. The distribution of a. ffinis is southern Lower California; that of bryanti is central and north- ern Lower California, blending into couesi (or anthonyi) near the border. In the specimens which I examined more couesiwere from south of the border than bryanti from north of it. A male and a female from San Diego I should assign to bryanti. I feel doubtful of the status of anthonyi Mearns, as I have no skins from Texas for compar- ison, but, like Mr. Swarth, I am inclined to consider it a synonym of couesi. The Anthony col- lection includes half a dozen New Mexican examples. A superficial examination did not show much difference in size or shape of bill or in general proportions. I did not have time to make detailed measurements. The separation of the various subspecies seems to rest on coloration. The color differences are mainly as follows. ,4ffnis: tail with the intermediate teetrices nearly as well barred with white as the outer ones; abdomen with scarcely any fulvous tinge; entire lower surface, from bill to tail, nearly evenly spotted with black, these spots rounded in form; crown light colored, vandyke brown or mummy brown; ground color of back reddish bistre; white stripes of back distinct, linear. tryanli: tail nearly as perfectly barred as in affnis; abdomen with a fulvous tinge, inter- meOiate in depth between anis and couesi; throat with heavier spots, contrasting with the less

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