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Mar., 9o4 I THE CONDOR 43

brush out on the desert. Every night quite a number came into the orange trees about the hotel to roost. Spizelli s. ariz0na. Western Chipping Sparrow. The only individual de- tected was taken by Mr. Mailliard near the Springs. Amphispiza b. desertic01a. Desert Black-throated Sparrow. -Common on the desert and up the lower slopes of the mountain, occuring in scattering flocks of from six to twenty or more. These companies were usually in motion and hard to follow, as the birds had a way of flying off one at a time in rapid succession, retreating over a hill or behind thickets; so that the whole flock seemed to vanish. It was only by singling out one particular bird and firing the instant an opportu- nity offered that we were able to secure many specimens. Amphispiza nevadensis. Sage Sparrow. Fairly common in the desert; met with either singly, or but a few together feeding on the ground beneath bushes, and when pursued flying from one bush-top to another. 19Ie10spiza c. c00peri. San Diego Song Sparrow. Two specimens, doubt- fully referred to this subspecies, were obtained along the willowy stream in Palm Canyon. Pipilo c. senicula. Anthony Towbee. Two were secured along the main ditch near the Springs. Pipi10 aberti. Abert Towbee. Seen only in the immediate vicinity of the Springs, where the birds in pairs hopped familiarly among shrubbery. Mr. Mail- liard found several on the hillside just back of town. As already recorded (CON- )oa V, p. x2), Mr. Gilman has found the species breeding here and on the Colo- rado Desert to the eastward. Palm Springs is doubtless its westernmost station. Phainopepla nitens. Phainopepla. Quite common in mesquite patches feed- ing on mistletoe berries. Lanius 1. excubit0rides. White-rumped Shrike. Evenly distributed wher- ever we went, but not numerous. One was discovered in the orange orchard near the hotel industriously battering a linnet. The squalls of its victim quickly at- tracted a sympathetic crowd of onlookers which commented vociferously. After what seemed considerable time the linnet broke loose and escaped into a bush, panting but apparently little the worse for wear. A sample of the butcher-bird's work was found in the shape of a kangaroo rat (Z)ifiodomys merriami simiolus) which was skilfully wedged between forking twigs of a smoke-bush. The sub- species to which our Palm Springs shrikes should be referred is doubtful. They present characters distinct from those of both typical gainbell, and excubilorides as occurring in Arizona. It is high time that some one thoroughly equipped worked up the western forms of Lanius of which there are several well-marked races as yet undescribed. Dendr0ica audub0ni. Audubon Warbler. This species, so widely distributed in winter, was present in usual numbers in the cottonwoods about the Springs. Anthus pen$ilvanicus. American Pipit. One was seen in company with blue- birds on an irrigated field close to the Springs. 0r0sc0ptes montanus. Sage Thrasher. One specimen was secured and a few others seen in creosote brush southeast of the Springs. At a moderate distance this bird bears a remarkable resemblance to the cactus wren in behavior and gener- al appearance. At least I am sure I confused the two repeatedly unless very close to hand. 19Iimus p. leuc0pterus. Western Mockingbird. One individual was often seen about the hotel, and one or two others were found in Pahn Canyon.

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