Mar., x9o4 I THE CONDOR 4
in a collecting trip into this interesting locality. Nine days were industriously occupied, from December e5 to January e, inclusive, and a gratifying array of specimens and information proved the success of the undertaking. We made our headquarters at the winter resort or "hotel," which consists of numerous cottages hidden away within a fine old orange orchard. During our stay we were joiuecl for a few days by two other Cooper Club members. Mr. French Gilman of Ban- ning, who knows this region thoroughly, assisted us greatly in learning the where- abouts of things. And Prof. Kellogg of Stanford found Mallophaga of interest on certain of our mammals as well as birds. Mr. George Maxwell, a very companion- able gentleman from Portland, Oregon, also proffered his aid whenever opportu- nity offered. Except in certain small areas birds were exceedingly scarce. In some parts of the desert quite a number of individuals of the forms that appear tolive with- out water were to be found; while in other and apparently similar portions all species were conspicuous only by their absence. Around the little village many varieties were present in numbers; and yet at some of the abandoned farms and orchards within a mile or so of it, and where there were well-filled irrigating ditches, trees and shrubbery--apparently ideal spots for bird life--there were almost no leathered inhabitants, except perhaps a few Audubon warblers or king- lets. The favorite locality for most species was within a semicircle made by the "big ditch," flowing at this season, where mesquites and other bushes attained almost the dignity of trees. This spot was the feeding ground of a combined flock of desert and valley quail, containing sixty or eighty individuals. These birds were extremely wild, made so by the constant persecution of the Indians and whites living at Palin Springs nearby, and would scatter in every direction when disturbed, running with remarkable speed, occasionally flying and in any cage seeking shelter on the steep, rocky mountain side adjacent, where it was useless to try to follow them. The following list is intended o give any person who may contemplate a visit to Palm Springs an idea of what to expect in the bird line in the winter season. Mr. Gilman told us that later, during the spring months great numbers of migrants were in evidence. It is suggested that this place, or any other up toward San Gorgonio Pass, would make an ideal station for making observations on migrating land birds, on account of the peculiar topography probably one of the best in California. In preparing the, present paper I hereby acknowledge the cordial assistance of Mr. Joseph Mailliard, whose observations are incorporated along with my own. Lophortyx gambeli. Desert Quail. Lophortyx c. vallicolus. Valley Quail. Numerous in the vicinity of water, as along irrigating ditches and in canyons. The desert or Gambel quail was apparently the commonest species; though the two were often found together so that it was difficult to judge of their comparative abundance. Their notes and flight differed to some extent, and Mr. Mailliard con- tributes the following remarks in this regard. "The notes of the desert quail differ from those of the valley quail in variety, and to a certain extent in character, though they have some notes in common. The 'crow' of the latter consists of three notes, varying in length and accent according to the call given, in one case the last note being a falling one. The 'crow' of the desert quail, while rather similar to the other, has two additional notes at the end, rendered in a softer tone. Besides the alarm calls the valley quail has a few twittering or conversational notes, while the other species has a lot of these, quite varied and often given in a