The Oologist
A Monthly Publication devoted to Oology, Ornithology and Taxidermy. Pablislieed by Frank H. Laltzn, lr. D., Albion, JV. Y. The oldest, eheagesf and nos! popular 'Bird' publication in America. The exchange and want columns reach all live collectors in the United States and Canada. Queery and Answer Column, Review Department. During the coming volume vill appear a new stand- ard cdtalogue and check-list of lVort America biraS. An entire year th FREE $c Exchange IVotce Coupon only 5oc. Sample copy on application. Address all communica- tions to the editor and manager. E!NEST H. $H01T, Chill, N.Y. Books and llaazines All bent Prepaid Coues' New Key, a Vols ......................... 9 5o Chapman's Color Key .............................. a 45 Bailey's Handbook Birds of Western United States. $ 50 The Auk and American Ornithology ............... $ 34 Bird Lore and The Auk .............................. $ 50 Nuttali's Ornithology, a Vols. (Chamherlin IEd.) ..... .5.oo New suhscriptions Condor and any other $r oo Maga- zine published ................................. x 7 Any Book or l/againe published. Prompl quatalion. Lists and Bulletins Free. BENJAMIN f!0AO Stephengown New York WANTED--Complete sets with data of A.O. U. 4xS-4x8a 4xSb. For these I will pay cash. I will consider also propositious from those wish- ing to dispose of small collections of bird skins or eggs. All must be first class. C. L. BROWNELL, Floral Park, N. V. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Bendire's Life Histories of N. A. Birds, vol. I, Fisher's Hawks and Owls of the United States, Cooper's Ornithology of California, also The Condor, 5 vols. complete, The Osprey, vol. I (except No. 2) and a number of less important books and magazines. Wanted: T]ze .4uk, vols. -8, vol. 3, vols. 9, 2o; Wilson's Am. Ornithology, Couas' Birds of the Colorado Valley, Goss' Birds of Kansas, Ridgway's Birds of Illinois, Chapman's Handbook, Bailey's Handbook and others. Books offered are in good to new con- dition and only such are desired. C. R. KEYES, Mt. Vernon, Iowa. BOOKS FOR SALE.--The following books from the library of Chester Barlow remain un- old. Carriage is paid by purchaser. Bulletins Nuttall Ornithologieal Club, 8 vols. complete, bound in 2 volumes, $25.oo; A. O. U. Checklist 2d. edition, $LOO; Bird Studies with a Camera (Chapman), I.5O; Osprey Vols -5 inclusive, bound, $7.o0; Ornithology of Utah, Nevada, Cal., Colorado, New Mexico and Ariz. (Hen- shaw) colored plates, unbound, $.5o; Report upon Nat. Hist. Coll. in Alaska, Nelson, $ .50; Bendire's Life Histories of N. A. Birds I. $7o0; also Oolocirl vols. o and H unbound, Davie's Nests and Eggs of N. A. birds, 4th ed, Birds of Springfield and Vicinity (Morris) for reasonable offers. W. K. FISHER, Palo Alto, Cal. Got a Camera? or HA YOU A HOBBY? Send ten cents to the undersigned and you will re- ceive for th'e months the oldest, largest and hest col- lectors' monthly for all kinds of Hobbies: Natural History and American Historical Discoveries, Coins, Stamps, Curios, Relics, Photography, Minerals, Sciences, Illustrated Souvenir Post Cards, Rarities, and New Finds for all Rinds of Collectors. THE PHILATELIC WEST AND CAMERA NEWS. Superior, Nebraska, U.S. A. Greatest cf its kind in the World. lifty cents entities you to a year's subscription and a free rS-word exchange notice in the largest exchange department extant. This xoo-Page Xllustrated Monthly was established in x895, and has the hrgest cir- culation of any Collector's monthly in the world, and in size has no rival. More ads. in the West than in all other American Collector's monthlien combined. The best-paying medium for advertisers. Rates small, results large. It will pay you to write us about it. OUR BIOTTO: "The best and lots of it." Invest teu cents judiciously by sending it to g. T. BRODSTONE, Publisher, Superior, Nebraska, V.y.S.A. Send five cents for membership card to American Camera Club lExchange. Over 48co members in all parts of the world, or 5 o cents for one year's membership to American Historical and Natural History Society. Try it. IT IS lIN AND DAND No matter what your Hobby, be
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