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THE CONDOR [VOL. VI THE CONDOI An Illusraed Masazine of'Western Ornithology Published Bi-monhly by he Cooper OenI[holoi- eal Club of California WALTEI K. FISHEI-, Editor, Palo AIo JOSEPH OIIDIDIELL, Business Manager and Assoelae Edifor, Pasadena I. E. HODGI>AiS, Assoeiat'e Edifor Palo Alo, California: Published Jan. 15, 1904 SU]SCRIPTION RATtleS Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies one dollar a year; single copies twenty-five cents. Price in all countries in the International Postal Union one dollar and a quarter a year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Business Manager; manuscripts and exchanges to the Editor. EDITORIAL NOTES It has grown to be the custom at the begin- ning of each year for a magazine, however modest its pretensions, to outline its 'policy' and catalog its 'special features' for the vol- ume to come. But this year THE CONDOR will depart from the time-honored usage and will merely state that the six numbers issued during 19o 3 will be a sufficient guarantee for those to follow, and that if any promises remain unful- filled these will be amply made good during i9o 4. Mr. Frank S. Daggett, owing to his tempo- rary migration to Chicago has resigned the asso- ciate editorship of THE CONDOR. The Club extends to Mr. Daggett its best wishes for a prosperous winter, and a speedy returm Mr. R. E. Snodgrass, of Stanford University, with the beginning of this volume assumes the asso- ciate editorship from the Northern Division. We extend to Mr. Louis Agassiz Fuertes our best thanks for the drawing of the California condor, which is shown in the frontispiece of this issue. The tenth annual meeting was held at the residence of president Henry Reed Taylor in Alameda, Saturday evening, January 9, and was one of the best attended in recent years. The electlob of officers resulted as follows: president, H. R. Taylor; senior vice-president, R. B. Moran; junior vice-president, Earle Mul- liken; treasurer, 1oseph Grinnell; secretary, Chas. S. Thompson. At the annual meeting of the southern Divis- ion held January 7, Howard Robertson was elected president, J. Eugene Law, vice-presi- dent, Harry Lelande, secretary; W. Lee Chain- hers, division treasurer. Several members interested in the exchange of bird-skins and eggs, wish to bring out a new edition of Taylor's Catalog. Persons interested are invited to write their ideas of changes in value etc., to Mr. D. A. Cohen, Alameda, Cal. Directory of Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club Revised to January i, 19o 4. (Residence in California unless otherwise stated. Year following name signifies date of election. HONORARY MEMBERS Belding, Lyman, Stockton. I896. Bryant, Walter E., IIO 4 McDonald Ave., Santa Rosa. I894. ACTIVE MEMBERS Adams, }rnest, Box 238 Lincoln. 1896. Anderson, Malcolm, P., Menlo Park. 19Ol. Anthony, A. W., 76172 Savier St., Portland, Oregon. 1894. Appleton, I. S., Simi, Ventura County. 19Ol. Arnold, Dr. Ralph, Geological Survey, Wash- ington, D.C. 1893. Atkinson, Win. L., 807 California St., San Francisco. I899. Bade, Win. F., 2223 Atherton St., Berkeley. 1903 . Bailey, Henry F., 94 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. 19o2 Bailey, H. H., Union Iron works, San Fran- cisco. 19o3, Bancroft, F. W., 25I 3 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. I9O2. Barnhart, F. S., 2o 3 San Pablo Ave., Oakland. 19oo. Barrett, S. A., 31Ol Hillegas Ave., Berkeley. 9o2. Bay, J. C., Haywards. I9O 3. Beal, F. E. L., Dep't Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 19o 3. Beck, Rollo H., Berryessa. I894. Bell, Mrs. Ruby Green, Stanford Univ. I9O. Bohlman, Herman T., 46 N. 9th St., Portland, Ore. 19o 3 . Bolton, A. L., 17oo Bonte Ave., Berkeley. I897. Boring, Miss Ora, Woodside, San Mateo Co. x9oI. Bowles, C. W., 4Ol So. G. St., Tacoma, Waah. I9O3. Bowles, J. H., 4Ol So. G St., Tacoma, Wash. 19o3. Brown, Herbert, Yuma, Ariz. I9O 3. Brown, J. C., Santa Monica. i9o2. Brown, Alice M., Pacific Grove. I9O 4. Brown, Thomas, 9oo ;V. Jefferson St., Los An- geles. 19o2. Bunnell, A. L., 73 o Dwight Way, Berkeley. 19o3. Burchain, J. S., Lillooet, B.C. I9On Butler, Jessie E., Sta. A., Pasadena. i9o4 . Carpenter, Nelson, Sfanford University. I9Oi. Carriger, Henry W., 26I, Sutter St., San Francisco. I895. Chainberlin, Corydon, Mt. Shasta Mine, Shasta. I893. Chainberlin, Geo. D., IO37 Market St., San

Francisco. I893.

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