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Jan., I9O4 ] THE CONDOR 2 3

i2. ROAD-RUNNeR, Geococcyzr californianus. Often started in grain field, edge of wash. 13. RED-BREASTED SAPStCKR, gphyrapicus ruber. Two noted on pepper tree near Burbank. 14. AMERICAN BARN Owr,, Strizrpralincola. Flew out of dense top of live oak. 15. RED-SHAFTED FLICKER, Colafiles cafer collaris. Very common in San Fernando valley, about orchards where fruit has fallen, also on ground in sycamore groves. i6. DUSKY POOR-WILt,, Phal(enoptilus nultalli californicus. Swarth and Judson each took specimens; started from ground in wash. 17. ANNA HUMMINGBIRD, Ca/yfile anna. Common about wild tobacco, now in bloom. 18. CASSIN KINGBIRD, Tyrannus vocierans. One seen on telegraph wire near West Glendale. I9. SAY PHCeBE, Xayornis saya. Inwashamongscatteredbrush;alsoinneglectedgrainfield. 20. Br, ACK PHOEBE, Sayornis nigricans semialra. Several noted on fences by roadside and on tree at edge of orchard. 21. CALIFORNIA HORNED-LARK, Olocoris alpestris aclia. 22. CALIFORNIA JAY, tphelocoma califbrnica. About scattered oaks in washes. 23 AMERICAN RAVEN, Coraits coraa: sinuatus. There is a large "crow-roost" in the wil- lows at the head of the Los Angeles river, and quite a number of ravens come in at dusk in pairs and small flocks of 4 or 5. Their larger size and croak readily distinguishes them from the crows. Judson shot one from a flock of three. 24. CALIFORNIA CROW, Corvus americanus hesperis. They arrive at the roost, noted above, at dusk, some going direct, while the larger flocks come in high up, dropping down in irregular curves when nearly over the trees. 2,5. WESTERN MEADOWLARK, Xlurnella magna neglecta. Flocks in grain fields. 26. SCOTT ORIOLE, rle*'usparisorum. The one taken was probably a straggler froui the Great Basin and Mohove Desert region. 27. BREWER Br,^CKBIRD, Scolecophagus cyanocephalus. In large flocks about cultivated tracts, corrals, and lawns. 28. House FiNc., Carpodacus me.ricanus rontalis. Gathering in large flocks outside of cultivated districts. 29. WILLOW GOLDFINCH, Aslragalinus lfi$tis salicamans. Several seen by roadside. 3 o. ARKANSAS GOLDFINCH, txtragalinus psaltria. On telegraph wires with flocks of house finches. 3 I. WESTERN VESPER SPARROW, Poa'cetesFramineus confinis. Common on weed-grown gmin fields. 32. WESTERN SAVANNA SPARROW, Paxserculus sandwichcrisis alaudinus. In small flocks in grain fields. 33. WESTERN LARK SPARROW, Chondesles grammacux slrigatus. Flocks by roadside especially near dry uncultivated stretches bordering ranches. 34- INTERMEDIATE SPARROW, Zonolrichia leucophrys gambeli. Flocks everywhere in washes and cultivated ground wherever suitable shelter. 35. BREWER SP&RROW, Sptzella breweri. Only met with occasionally in chaparral-covered sections. 36. SIERRA JUCO, Junco hyemalisthurberi. Small flock about cypress row near Tuluca. 37. BELL St'ARROW, Amphispiza belli. In dry brush-covered areas in washes. 38. SAGE SPARROW, Amphispiza belli nevadensis. A straggler from Great Basin district. 39. SAN DIEGO SONG SPARROW, .irelopiza cinerea cooperi. In willows, head of Los Angeles river. 4 O. SPURRED TOWHEE, ?ipilo maculatus megalony.v. Common in brushy wash. 41. ANTHONY TOWHEE, Piptlofitscus senicula, Common everywhere where there is shel- tering hedge or brush. 42. CALIFORNIA SHRIKE, anius ludovwianus gambeli. Pretty generally scattered; in washes, on telegraph wires, and about orchards. 43. - AUr)UBON WARBLER, Dendroica auduboni. One of our common winter visitants. Al- most impossible to get out of sight of one. 44- WESTERN MOCKINGBIRD, J[imuspoly.loltos leucopterus. Not in song at this date but otherwise evident. 45. PASADENA THRASHER, To_rosloma redivivum pasadense. Common but shy. 4 6. CACTUS,WREN, lrJeleodytes brunneicafiillus. In cactus grown places. On November I found two nests almost completed, birds carrying lining material. 47. ROCK WREN, Salpinctes obsoletus. Several seen along cut bank of wash. 48. AMERICAN PIPIT, tnthuspeasilvanicus. Adozen seen in barley stubble west of Burbank. 49. SAN DIEGO WREN, Thcvomanes bewicki charienturus. Common in brushy parts of wash. 50. TuLE WREN, Telmatodyles palustris paludicola. Only one seen, in cactus grown area, a mile from water. 5I- PALL[r) WRE?-TT, Ch_,tnafascialahenshawL Thick brushy clumps. 52. C. ALIFORNIA BUSH-TiT, P. raltriparus minimus ca/tfornicus. In flocks about oaks. .53- RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, /egltllts calendula. Saw two in roadside peppers. ,54. WESTERN GNATCATCHER, Polioptila cgrulea obscura. Lrge brushy clumps in wash. 55. BLACK-TAILED GNATCATCHER, ?olioptila californica. Common in brush of wash. 56. DWARF HERMIT THRUSH, Hylocichla guttata nana. One noted in brush at head of Eagle Rock Valley and another in willows'of Los Angeles river. 57. WESTERN ROBIN, zlerula miratoria firofiinqua. Only one seen, flying southeast

across Eagle Rock valley.

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