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taken by myself at Mill Valley Junction, near Sausalito, on Sept. 4,' t896. This should have been recorded at the time, but probably I failed to realize the paucity of records for this state. I-Ieteractitis incanus. Wandering Tattler. The southward migration of these birds must commence very early from their breeding grounds for they are quite common at Pacific Grove, Monterey Co., in August. llumenius 10ngir0stris. Long-billed Curlew. Numbers seen, and one speci- men captured by J. & J. W.M. on bank of San Joaquin river x4 miles south of Merced, in June, x9oo and x9ox. Arenatin m0rinella. Ruddy Turnst0ne. Arenatin melan0cephala. Black Turnstone. We have several specimens of these species from San Francisco Bay, taken in December and January. They appear to be quite nmnerous at times during the winter around the vicinity of Red Rock and the other islands between San Francio and San Pablo Bays. Zenaidura macr0ura. Mourning Dove. A small flock of this species usually maybe found through the winter at San Geronimo, Marin Co., and frequently noted in winter at Paicines, San Benito Co. 13eryle alcy0n. Belted Kingfisher. This bird is numerous also along the Central California sea ceast during the winter. Sc01ec0phagus car01inus. Rusty Blackbird. We have in our collection a male bird taken by H. B. Kaeding in Amador Co., Cal., and identified by Mr. Ridgway as of this species, Dec. x5, x895. 13arp0dacus clementis. San Clemente House Finch. During four weeks collecting on Santa Cruz Island in April, x898, I failed to find a single individual of this species, though the island was pretty well covered in my wanderings. Hence it seems that it is not always abundant on that island, to say the least. In searching for clementis a large nnmber offrontalis were taken in the hope of finding the lat- ter among them. L0xia c. bendirei. Sierra Cross-bill. There are several specimens in our col- lection from Marin Co., taken in winter. Spinus pinus. Pine Siskin. A few pairs breed in Marin Co. No nests taken by us, but birds have been seen on several occasions carrying material for build- ing into the high fir trees. Passerculus rostratus. Large-billed Sparrow. We have one pecimen from Santa Cruz, taken by G. F. Breninger, August 27, 895. Phain0pepla nitens. Phainopepla. Very common winter resident at Paicines, San Benito Co. Vireo s. cassini. Cassin Vireo. Breeds regularly in small numbers at Paicines. . . Helminth0phila s0rdida. Dusky Warbler. Of a number of this genus taken at Santa Barbara in April x9o2, several specimens appear to be of this species. The birds were captured during a migration, apparently, as they all disappeared

shortly afterward. Both sordida and lutescerts were in sadly abraded plumage at 

the time. Ge0thlypis t01mei. Tolmie Warbler. A few of these warblers breed regularly

in Marin County.

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