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Nov., T9o31

THE CONDOR 1 6 9 Leconte lO 5 Palmer o5 Sage 52, 74 5o Thrush, Audubon Hermit 5 Dwarf Hermit 55 Varied T55 Thryomanes bewieki baird 5o spilurus t55 Tiaris olivaeea pusilla 9 I Tit, Lead-colored SX Titmouse, Bridled 5x Gray o 5 Tityra semifaseiata personata Todirostrum einereum 9I Towhee, Abert 2, o3 Anthony o3 California 3, 98, 55 Canyon o3, 49 Green-tailed 3, 37, 5, o3, 49 San Francisco 55 Spurred x3, 5x, 74, xo3, 49 Toxostoma bendirei 35, 36, o5, x5o crissale o5 x5o eurvirostre palmeri o5 leeontei o5 Tringa minutilla 77 Trochilus alexandri 35, 36, o, 3o Troglodytes aedon aztecus xo5, 5 parkmani 99 intermedius 9 Trogon ambiguus 69 Trogon, Coppery-tailed 69 Turkey, Merriam 29 Turnstone, Black Tyrannus verticalis o2, 3o voeiferans 36, o, 3o URX ealifornica 20 troile ealifornica Urubitinga anthraeina 70 VALLEV QUAIL, on the tlqe of sentinels by 46 Vetdin Io5 Vestiaria eoeeinea 79 Vireo, Cassin 62, 65, o4 Gray 35 Least to4 Plumbeous o4 Santa Cruz Island Warbling 37, 62, o4, 5o Vireo gilvus 38, t5o swainsoni o4 huttoni t57 mailliardorum 57 pusillus o4 solitarius cassini o4 plumbeus o4 vicinior 35, 36 Vulture, Black 93 Turkey 34, 77, WARBLERS, Alaska Pileolated 8o Audubon 37, 74, 79. 5o, 55 Black-throated Gray o5, 5o California Yellow 7 Chestnut-sided 93 Hermit 5o Lutescent 99, o4, 5o Lucy o4 Macgillivray 37, 5o Pileolated o5, 5o Townsend 5o Virginia o4 Wilson 93 Yellow 74, o5 'arreu, E. R., query 2o Weed, C. M. and Dearborn, N., notice of their 'birds in their relations to man' 6 Williams, John J., on the use of sentinels by valley quail x46 Wilsonia pusilla chryseola 23, 80 pileolata 23, 80, xos, x5o pusilla 80 Woodhewer, Cosfa Rica 93 Woodpecker, Ant-eating xox, 3 o Arizona w6, 3o Baird o, 3o Cabanis o, 54 California 54 Gila o Hairy 35 Lewis 74 Red-bellied 8T Red-headed 74 Wren, Baird 81, 105, 150 Canyon o4 Cactus x5o Desert Cactus xo5 House 74 Parkman x9, 99 Rock x5o Tule x24 I34, Vigors 99, x55 Western House Io5, x5x Western Marsh 52, I33, x5x Western Winter I55 Wren-tit x55 XANTHOCIPHALUS xanthocephalus 5x, xo2, 131 Xiphocolaptes emigrans costaricensis 93 1LI,OWTHROAT, Baird 9t Pacific x9 Western 52, I5 o Z.t}Lom* melanocephala Io3, Zarhynchus wagleri 93 Zenaidura macroura 34, 36, 77, 8I, xe9 Zonotrichia leucophrys To3, I3

nutalli x54

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