THE CONDOR VOL. V Redwing, San Diego IO2 Regulus calendula I55 grinnelli I55 Rhyncophanes mceowni I3t Ridgway, R., sketch and portrait of, t4; review of his 'birds of north and middle America, part II', 22; notice of his 'descriptions of new genera species and subspecies of American birds 16o Roadrunner 35, IOl, I30 132 Robertson, H., notice to members of southern division, 56; Cassin auklet, Ptychoramphus aleuticus, 96 Robin, Western 37, 74 Rough-leg, American 5t Ferruginous 74, SALPINCTES obsoletus 36, lO5, 127, t5 o Sandpiper, Spotted 49, 5t Sayornis nigricanssemiatra t9, o2, 3o, t54 saya 36, lO2, 13o, 54 Schutze, A. E., a few notes from Texas, 8t Scolecophagus eyanoc.ephalus 5I, t3 Screech Owl, Rock Mountain in Latimer Co,, Col. 56 Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis Selasphorus platyeereus lO, 13o rufus 35, 36 Sharp, C. S., the band-tailed pigeon in San Diego county, 16; some unusual nests of the Bullock oriole, 38; Dendroica auduboni a raisin eater, 79 Shearwater, Wedge-tailed 27 Shrike, California 155 Northern 9 White-rumped 74, lO4, 15o Sialia arctica 36, mexicana bairdi to5, 151 Silloway. P.M., correspondence--an answer 54 Siskin, Pine 5, 20, 37, 74 Sitta canadensis 37 carolinensis aculeata I5 nelsoni 38 pygmtea lO5 Sleven, T. E., obituary of, 57 Snipe, Wilson 5, Shodgrass, R. E., notice of his 'land birds from central Washington,' 16o; of 'anotomy of Geo- spiza, Cocornis and Certhidea,' 161 Snowflake 19 Solitaire, Townsend lO, 37, 15t Sparrow, Black-thinned o 3 Black-throated 49 Boucard 49 Brewer 5, 149 Bryant Marsh I54 Desert IO3 Desert Song o 3 Forbush 155 Golden-crowned 18 Mountain Song 51, 149 Nuttall t54 Rufous-crowned 99 Sage 5 I, I49 Santa Cruz Song I55 Song 74 Thick-billed 79 Vesper 74 Vestern Chipping estern Lark 5I, IO3, t3t Western Savanna 5 t, 131 , t54 Western Vesper I3I White-crowned lO3, t3t Yakutat Fox 55 Speotyto cunicularia hypogea 5 , 29 Spinus pinus 20, 38 Spizella atrigularis to3, t63 breweri 5I, I49 socialis arizona 36, t3 Steganopus tricolor 49, 5t Stelgidopteryx serripennis 36, 5o Stephens, F., bird notes from eastern Califor- nia and western Arizona, 75, 78, oo-Io5 Sterna fosteri 47 hirundo 8 parodistoa 7 Stilt, Black-necked 5, 77 Stone, W., the significance of trinomials, 43; notice of his 'terrestrial vertebrates of por- tions of southern New Mexico etc.' i6o Sturnella magna neglecta 5I, 13t, I54 Surf-bird Swallow, Bank 52 Barn 5i, 74, to4 Cliff 5, 74, to4 Northern Violet-green o4 Rough-winged 74, t5o Vhite-bellied I5O Swift, White-throated 35.99, oi, TACHCINETA bicolor 35, 5 o lepida to4 thalassina 36, I35 Tanager, Cooper IO4, 49 Hepatic to4 Louisiana 37, 64 Passerni 91 Western lO3, 49 Tantalus loculator 8, 76, 79 Tattler, Wandering Taylor, H. R., in memoriam; Chester Barlow, 3; correspondence (in regard to bird protec- tion) 4 Teal, Blue-winged 76 , Cinnamon 49, 50, 74, 76 , Green-winged 5 , Tern, Arctic 7 Black 48 , 50 Common 8I Foster 47, 74' Texan Jay, notes on the 5 Thrasher, Bendire 35, lO5, 15o California IOO, t5o
Crissal to5, t5o