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THE CONDOR [ VoL. V Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis 5 surinamensis 48 Hylocichla guttara auduboni I5 nana 55 ICCERIA virens longicauda o5 Icterus bullocki 36, 38, o3, I3 cucullatus nelsoni 99, 3, I3 parisorum lO2, 131 Ibis, white-faced Glossy 76 Wood 8, 76, 79 JAY, Arizona 3 o California ioo, 54 Coast 54 Long-crested o2, 3 o Pinyon 35 Texan I5 Woodhouse o2, 3 o Jenkins, H. O. (with M.P. Anderson) a list of birds from the Santa Cruz Mts., Cal. 53 Johnson, H. C., pygmy owl in town 8I Juneo canJeeps 49 connectens I49 byemalls I49 pinosus I54 mearnsi 38, 49 oreganus shufeldti 94 thnrberi o 3 Junco, Gray-headed I49 Pink-sided 37. I49 Point Pinos I54 Shufeldt 94, Slate-colored 49 Thurber IO3 KAEDING, H. B., bird life on the Fatallone is- lands 121-127 Kelsey, F. W., the home of the California road-runner I32-t33 Killdear 49, 5I, 74, 77, Kingbird 74, 8 Arkansas 35, 74, 99, o2, I3O Cassin 74, io2, 3 o Kingfisher, Belted 74, 3 o, I54 Kinglet, Ruby-crowned I55 Sitka, I55 Kite, Swallow-tailed 93 Kofahl, H., the first occurrence of the King- bird in Austin during the breeding season 8 LACE, Howard, notes on the Texan iay I,SI Lanius borealis 19 ludovicianus excubitorides 36, IO4, I5O gainbell I55 Lark, Desert Horned 74 Horned I3 o Mojave Horned Larus californicus I7,47, 5 glaucescens 7 occidentalis I27 Littlejohn, C., Sterna hitundo at San Francisco 8I Longspur, Chestnut-collared I3 McCown I3 Lophornis helena 93 Lophortyx californicus I54 vallicolus I46 gainbell 77, 129 Loxioides bailleui 80 Lunda cirrhata i27 Lusk, R. D. wasted talent I35 MAGPIE, American 37, 74 Mailliard, J., do wild birds die instantly?, I7; notes from Santa Barbara, California, 97 Mallard 48, 5o, 74, Mareca americana 76 McGregor, R. C., the number of feathem in a bird skin, I7; a rare land bird taken at sea, I9 Mcllwraith, T., obituary of 58 Meadowlark 74, 9 Western 5I, I3I, I54 Mearns, E. A., leathers beside the Styx, 36; sketch and portrait of, o 9 Megascops asio cineraceus IOO maxwellia I56 Melanerpes catolinus 8I formicivorus ioi, i3 o bairdi I54 hoffmani 93 uropygialis IOI Meleagris gallopavo merriami Melopelia leucoptera 77, Melospiza cinerea fallax IO3 santaecrucis I55 lincolni I49 striata I55 melodia montana 5 I, I49 Memorian, in--Chester Barlow 3 Merganser, Red-breasted 48 Merganser serratot 48 Merula migratoria propinqua 38, I5 I Mexican cormorant, notes on 139 Micropallas whitneyi ioI, Miller, J. M., late nesting of Arkansas gold- finch, 9; notes on the bird conditions of the Fresno district, 89 Milvilus forficatus 8I Mimus polyglottos leucopterus 36, IO5, I5 o Minutes of Club Meetings, 26, 58, io8, IIo, 135 Mockingbird I9, 74, IO5, I5O Molothrus ater o2 obscurus 131 Murre, California 2o, I22, I27 Myadestes townsendi 38, I5t Myiarchus cinerascens 36, IO2, I3 lawrencei 9I olivascens I35 mexicanus magister lO2 NELSON, ]. W., notes on the Mexican cormo- rant 39; correspondence on the 'bonding clause of A, O. U. model law,' I59

Nettion carolinensis 5 o, I28

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