THE CONDOR ] VoL. V Cary, M., a morning with the birds of Juan Vinas, Costa Rica, 9 Catbird 74 Cathartes aura 34, 36, 77, 29 Catherpes mexicanus conspersus 36, o5, 35 Cepphus columba x27 Certhia americana montana 38 Ceryle aleyon 3o, t54 Chamaa fasciata 55 Chambers, V. L., a strange nesting site of Calypte anna, 78; early nesting of Calypte anna in the vicinity of Santa Monica, Califor- nia 33 Chainbliss, G. S., obituary of 58 Chapman, F. M., correspondence (in regard to nomenclature) 24; notice of his economic value of birds to the state 6 Chasiempis sandvicensis 79 Chat, Long-tailed 74, xo5 Chaulelasmus streperus 50 Chickadee, Mountain 37 Santa Cruz 55 . Chlorodrepanis virens 79 Chloronerpes yucatanensis 93 Chondestes grammacus strigatus 36, 5, o3, Choralelies acutipennis texensis o, 3o virginianus henryi 36, 5, o Cinclus mexicanus Circus hudsonius 5 x, 29 Cistothorus palustris paludicola 34 plesius 52, 34, 5 Clark, F. C., food of Anna hummingbird, 8 Clivicola riparia 52 Coccyzus americanus occidentalis xo Cohen, D. A., some observations on the nest- ing habits of the prairie falcon H 7 Colaptes caret collaris o, 3o chrysoides o Columba fasciata 6, 69, x34 Columbigallina passerina pallescens 77, 29 Colymbus californicus 47 nigricollls californicus 50 Contopus borealis 3o richardsoni o2, 3o Coot, American, 49, 5, 74, 76, 28, x54 Cormorant, Baird 25, x27 Brandt t8, t57 Farallone t27 Correspondence 54, 53 Corvus corax sinuatus 35, 36, toe, t27 cryptoleucus 88, Cowbird, 74, to2 Dwarf Creeper, Rocky Mountain, 38 Crow 74 Crymophilus fulicarius t57 Cryptoglaux acadica acadica t 9 Cuckoo, California tot Curlew, Long-billed 77 Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus 36 Cyanocitta stelleri carbonacea x54 diademata xos, t3o Cyanospiza amcena 10 3 Cyrton- x montezume mearnsi 68, t29 DAFILA acura 50 Daggett, F. S., Sterua'paradisea in Southern California t7; wood ibis in Southern Califor- nia t8; status of the bicolored blackbird in Southern California 52 Dendroica estiva to5 aestiva 75 brewsteri 72 moreoral 7 rubiginosa 72 sonorana 72 auduboni 38, 79, t5o, nigrescens o5, 35, 5o occidentalis 35, 5o townsendi 53, 15o Dille, F. M., nesting dates for birds in the Denver district, Colorado 73; concerning spotted eggs of the lark bunting 79; an open letter 57 Diomedea exulans W Dipper 74, 55 Directory of members of the C. O. C. 29 Dove, Mexican Ground 77, 129 Mourning 34, 74, 77, 8t, 93, 59 White-winged 77, t29 Dryobates arizona o6, t3o sealaris hairdi to, t3o villosus 35, 36 hyloscopus Duck, Harlequin 50 Ring-necked 49 Ruddy 50, 74, 54 Seaup 54 Wood 49 Dutcher, W., correspondence--a protest 53 E,nr, Golden 34, 74, t59 Editorials, e8, 56, 82, 36 162 Emerson, W. O., a remarkable flight of Louis- iana tanagers 64 Empidonax difficilis to2 wrighti t3o Ereunetes occidentalis 77 Erismatura jamaicensis 5 o, t54 Eugenes fulgens xo 7 F,t,co mexicanus 34, 36, 78, t7, t59 peregrinus anatum 34, 36, sparverius deserticolus 34, 36, St, 78 phalcena t29, 54 Falcon, Prairie 34, 78, tt7, 129 Feudge, J. B., the wood ibis near San Bernard- ino, 79; Ardea virescens anthonyi 80 Finch, Cassin Purple 37, House 98, xo3, t3x Lincoln 49 Finley, W. L., two vireos caught with a cam- era 6t Fisher, A. K., a partial list of the birds of Keam
canyon, Arizona 33