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Nov., t9o3 [

THE CONDOR INDEX 163 &CCIPITER cooperi 77, 129 velox 129 Acridotheres tristis 79 Actiris macularia 49, 5 I Adams, E., do quail, Lophortyx califoruicus vallicolus, remove their eggs? 18; Cryptoglaux acadica aeadica in Placer county, 19; peculiar habits of the black phoebe, I9; destruction of birds' eggs: a query, 19. .Echmophorus occidentalis 50 .Egialitis montana 128 vocifera 49, 51, 77, 128 Aeronautes melanoleucus 35, 36, 99, IOI, II 9 Agelaius guberuator 52 phceniceus 51, 131 neutralis 52, lO2 Aimophila ruficeps 99 scotti 149 Aix sponsa 49 Albatross, Wandering 17 Alien, J. A., correspondence--The A. O. U. model law 157 Ammodramus sandwichensis 17 alaudinus 51, 131, 154 bryanti 154 savannarum bimaculatus 20 perpallidus 20 Amphispiza belli nevadensis 51, 149 bilineata 149 bilineata deserticola 36, lO 3 Anderson, M.P. and Grinnell, J., notice of their birds of the Siskiyou Mts. Cal. t6o Anderson, M.P. and Jenkins, H. O., a list of birds from the Santa Cruz Mts., Cal. 153. Anus boschas 48, 50, 128 Anser gumbell 144 Anthony, A. W., nesting of the Townsend sole- taire lO Antbus pensilvanicus 18; 15o, 155 Aphelocoma califoruiea 154 sieberl arizona 13o texana ISi woodhousei 36, lO2, 13o Aphriza virgata 127 Aquila chrysaetos 36, x29 Archibuteo ferrugineus 129 lagopus sancti-johannis 51 Ardea herodias 49, 76 virescens anthonyi 76, 80 Arenaria melanocephala 127 Asio accipitrinus 129 wilsonianus t29, Astragalinus psaltria lO3, 154 Auklet, Cassin 96, 122, z27 Auriparus flaviceps lO5 Avocet, American 51, 74 Aythya collaris 49 marila z54 BAILEY, F. M., notice of her "handbook of birds of the western Udited States," 2t; the Harris hawk on his nesting ground, 66 Bailey, V., the white-necked raven 87 Baldbate 76 Barlow, Chester,--in memoriam, 3; the orni- thological writings of, 8 Basilirma leucotis lO7 Belding, L., voracity of albatrosses, 17; the fall migration of Oreortyx pictus plumiferus, 18; the snowflake and other unusual birds at Marysville, 19; curious trait of thick-billed sparrow 79 Bittern, American 49, 51 , 74 Blackbird, Bicolored 52 Brewer 51 , 74, 131 Red-winged 51, 74, 131 Yellow-headed 51, 74, lO2, 131 Bluebird, Chestnut-backed lO5, 151 Bob-white 74 Texas 81 Bohlman, H. J., nesting habits of the Shufeldt junco, 94 Botaurus lentiginosus 49, 5 I Bowles, C. W., notes on pine siskins, 15 Bowies, J. H.,further notes on the pine siskin, 20 Brant, Black 5o Branta canadensis 5 nigricans 5 Brewster, W., sketch and portrait of, 46 Bryan, W. A., Hawaiian birds in the crater of Kilauea, 79; note on Loxioides bailleui Oust. from Hawaii, 80 Bubo virginianus pacificus 78 pallescens 36, 5I, 129 saturatus? 154 Bunting, Lark 74, 79, 49, Lazuli lO3 Burnett, W. L., the Rocky Mountain screech owl in Larimer connty Colorado 156 Bush-tit 85 Lead-colored lO5 Buteo abbreviatus 77 borealis calurus 35, 36, 77, 129 solitarius 79 swainsoni 77, 129 CAIAMOSPIZA} melanocorys 149 Calearius oruatus 131 Calliope kamtschatkensis 19 Callipepla squamata z29 Calypte anna 78, 133 costl IOI Carpenter, N., the hummingbirds of Escortdido and vicinity 20 Carpodacus cassini 38, 131

mexicanus frontalis 36, lO3, t31

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