Nov., 9o31 THE CONDOR 55
everywhere abundant at San Gregorio; the specimens taken were well marked. No ambeli were found. Junco byemalls pinosus. Point Pinos Junco. One junco was secured near La Honda and a large flock ws seen on the roadside just out of the redwood forest. llelospiza cinerea santmcrucis. (Grinnell) Santa Cruz Song Sparrow. We found song sparrows common among the tules at the mouth of the San Gregorio creek. They were noticed particularly at dusk. llelospiza lincolni striata. Forbush Sparrow. Two species were shot, one in bushes on the shore of the lagoon and one on top of a hill not far distant. Passerella iliaca meruloides (Vigors). Yakutat Fox Sparrow. We obtained a single specimen of this bird at San Gregorio. It was shot while perched upon the dead stalk of a weed on a bare hillside. Pipilo macfilatus falcifer McGregor. San Francisco Towhee. This towhee was heard and seen along the creek at La Honda. Pipilocrissalis. California Towhee. Abundant along the road between the border of the redwoods and the village of San Gregorio. Lanius ludovicianus gainbell. California Shrike. The California shrike was a fairly common bird in the open country between the edge of the forest and the coast. Dendroica auduboni. Audubon Warbler. A few Audobon warblers were seen in trees and bushes in the valley of San Gregorio creek. Antbus pensilvanicus. American Pipit. Pipits were common in plowed fields on the coast. Cinclus mexicanus. American Dipper. Three dippers were taken on the creek near La Honda. Thryomanes bewicki spilurus. Vigors Wren. Several Vigors wrens were noticed among fallen logs and underbrush in the canyon of the creek near La Honda. Olbiorchilus hiemalispacificus. Western Winter Wren. Winter wrens were less commonly seen than Vigors wrens. One specimen was taken near La Honda. Parus rufescens barlowi. Santa Cruz Chickadee. Several flocks of chicka- dees were seen flying among the redwoods. Chamea fasciata. Wren-tit. Wren-tits abounded in the underbrush of the redwood forest. Regulus calenclula. Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Abundant at La Honda where it was especially noticed about laurel trees. Regulus calendula grinnelli. Sitka Kinglet. One specimen of this bird was taken in a clump of young redwoods near La Honda. Itylocichla guttara nana. Dwarf Hermit Thrush. A very common bird at La Honda. Itesperocichla nevia. Varied Thrush. Large numbers of varied thrushes
were seen at La Honda.