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Notes on the Mexican Cormorant (5 halftones) .............................. E. W. Nelson I39 On the Use of Sentinels by Valley Quail ................................. fohnf. IFilliams I46 A List of Birds Observed in Cochise Co., Arizona ...................... I4ilfredlar. Osgood I49 Notes on the Texan Jay .................................................. 1towardLacey I5 I A List of Birds from the Santa Cruz Mts., Cal. ]V[alcolm P. Anderson andlaruberl O. fenkins I53 The Rocky Mountain Screech Owl in Latimer Co., Colorado ................ I. . Burnell I56 The Santa Cruz Island Vireo ................................... : ......... Joseph Grinnell I57 CORRESPONDENCE The A. O. U. Model Law ................................................... .f.A. Allen I57 Remarks on the above ................................................. Waller K. Fisher I58 On the 'Bonding Clause' of the A. O. U. Model Law ........................ E. IF. 2Velson I59 THE EDITOR'S BOOK SHELF Reviews of recent literature ....................... .foxeph Grinnell and I4Xalter K. Fixher I59 EDITORIALS AND NOTES ............................................................... Entered January I6, I9O3, at Palo Alto, Cal., as second-class matter. SEPAIATES. Separates of articles in THE CONDOR will be furnished by THE NACE PRINTING COMPANW, Santa Clara, Cal., at the following uniform rates. All'orders for separates must accompany manu- script, and be written plainly at the head of the article. No separates can be furnished gratis. No. of Copies 2 Pages 4 Pages 8 Pages 12 Pages Cover and Title 50 $ 90 $I 35 $2 2 5 $2 70 $I OO 75 I oo [ 50 2 40 2 95 I 25 IOO I 15 I 65 2 65 3 I5 I 5 LORE for x9o4, in time to be received as a Christmas Present 20 cents a number; $1.00 a year Published by Thc Macmilhn C0.  _ 66 Fifth Ave., New Work City. eee HE A3AERICAN BIRD AAGAZINE Profusely illustrated wit Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. Everything original. Each nmnber contains Ten !irds in NaIural Colors For identifications l[onthly, $I.00 per year Single Copie, I0 cent, Everyone subscribing now is entitled to a Life-sized Enlargement of the SPECIAL x x x To all who xnention he Corndot" we will send VoL I and II, and sub- scriptions for I9O3, with the "Chippy Faxnily," for $.5o. Address


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