Nov., 9o31 THE CONDOR 49
A List of Birds Observed in Cochise County, Arizona BY WILFRED H. OSGOOD ( Conchtried) Spizella breweri. Bre'er Sparrow. Found in company with the preceding species but in fewer numbers. Junco hyemalis. Slate-colored Junco. One specimen was shot in the corral Dec. 3o, being the only Junco seen in the valley. On February 3, in the Dragoon mountains I tok another with sides slightly pinkish. Junco mearnsi. Pink-sided Junco. Common in winter in all the mountain- ous country. Junco connectens. Shufeldt Junco. Abundant. Flocks of several species were always seen in the Draloons in winter. Junco caniceps. Gray-headed Junco. Found with the preceding but not quite so common. Amphispiza bilineata. Black-throated Sparrow. First taken April 28 after which it rapidly became the most common bird of the mesquite district. I found a half-dozen of their nests containing sets of three eggs each May 2o. Nests were placed in small mesquites from 4 to 20 inches from the ground. Amphispiza belli nevadensis. Sage Sparrow. The sage sparrow was very common during the winter months. Seen in flocks about the leafless mesquites till about the middle of March when it was replaced by AmpMspiza bilineata. Aimophila ruficeps scotti. Boucard Sparrow. One was seen April x8. I stood within six feet of it as it skipped through a mesquite but I had no gun and could not secure it. Melospiza melodia montana. Mountain Song Sparrow. One taken at Sulphur Spring March x6. Melospiza lincolni. Lincoln Finch. One taken at Sulphur Spring March 6. No others were seen. Pipilo maculatus megalonyx. Spurred Towhee. A fairly common resident in the Dragoon and Chiricahua mountains. Pipilo fuseus mesoleucus. Canyon Towhee. Common in the mountains. Eggs far advanced in incubation were found May x. 0reospiza chlorura. Green-tailed Towhee. Very common in the Dragoon mountains about. May . Seen also in the valley where the first specimen was taken April 23. Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. A few stopped in the cottonwoods May 8 and others were seen in the Dragoon mountains later. Guiraca carulea lazula. Western Blue Grosbeak. Seen only in the Chiri- cahua mountains. Calamospiza melanocorys. Lark Bunting. Several flocks wandered about the valley and occasionally appeared about the ranch where I secured a number of specimens. Piranga ludoviciana. Western Tanager. First taken May 8; afterwards seen sparingly among the mesquites near the house at Allaire's. Piranga hepatica. Hepatic Tanager. Taken in the Dragoon mountains May 4. Piranga rubra cooperi. Cooper Tanager. A young male taken May x8 was
the only one seen.