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WANTED. Photos of live Grouse, Quail. Snipe, etc., also deer and other quadrupeds, in t]eir natural environment, s]owtn protective coloration. Good prices for satisfactory pie- pictures. Address, ABBOTT H. THAVER, Monadhock. N.H. WANTED--I,very dealer and collector to scud me his address that I may send out sample sheets of my Standard Field 2Vole and Data Blank Books, endorsed by advanced collectors and dealers. Recommended by Ornithological Clubs. "All answered." Address, GEO. W. MORSE, Box 23 o, Ashley, Ind. SET OF THREE EGGS: /3[eg'ascops f/amine- o/a, fine specimens, with skin of female, section of tree with nest, photographs and good will of the male bird. I want bids for this rare set. FRED M. DILLE, Longmont, Colorado. SOUTHIRN EGGS FOR SALE CHEAP---Choice sets with full and accurate data. American Oystercatcher 4oc, Chuckwill's Widow lgI, Night-hawk 2oc, Willet ISC, Wilson's Plover x5 c, Royal Tern xSC, Clapper Rail ioc, Brown Pelican xoc, Laughing Gull xoc, Boat-tailed Grackle xoc, Purple Martin IOC, Green Heron 5c, Painted Bunting 5c, Black Skimmer 5c, Yellow-breasted Chat 5c, Indigo Bunting 5c, etc. Southern sea-shore sets for collections a specialty. List for stamp. DR. M. T. CLECKLE, 457 GREENE ST. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. OLD BIRD MS. GAZINES VANTED. I will give cash or good exchange for any of the following /lukVolx, 2,3,4,5,6, 7, 8, 9, and xo, and the first eight volumes of the old O and O. W. LEE CHAMBERS, Santa Monica, Cal. FOR EXCHANGE. Choice sets of Bios. 3 io-i 4 1-2 1-3, 85 5-1, 92 x-i, I33 1-10 and down, 2oS I-II, 222 I-4, 223 I-4, 27I I-4, 278 I-3, 293 x-I2, o2 I-iO, 3Ioa I-IO, 325 I-2, 326 i-2, 329 I-I, 332 I- 5 335 I-4, 341 I-3, 343 I-2, 349 I-2, 356 I-3, 359 x-3 x-4, 362 I-3, 364 I-3, 367 x-5, 375 d I-2, 417 x-2, 4I 9 x-2, 434n-2, 533 639 x-4, 64I I-5 I-4, 675 n-5, 6S5 a x-4 and many others. All answered. A. E. PRICE, Grant Park, Ill. SAFE, DURABLE AND ACCURATE. HE FAVORITE RIFLEI i is an aconrate rifle and pu!s every sho where you hold it. Weight 4 pounds. Made in three calibers--.22, .25 and .32 Rim Fire. PRI[; No. 17, Plain Sights, . $6.00 No. 18, Tnrget Sights, . . 8.50 Where these rifles are not carded in stock by dealers we will send, express prelmid ou receipt of price. 8end stamp for catalog describing complete llne and containing vainble in/ormfion to shootera Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literature. verything original. Each number contains Ten in Nuurl C00rs For identifications lonth]y, $].OO per year Snle ops [O cnts veryone subscribing now is entitled to s Life-sized Enlargement of the "hippy lamily"in nstural colors on paper xxo inches. This is prob- sbly the bst photograph ever taken of sn entire family of live wild birds. To all who mention "The ondo" we will send Vol. ! and II, and sub- scriptions for x9o3, with the "hippy Family/' for .5o. Address Amcnn 0rnh00y

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