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WESTElaN Stories oi Authors of FOK THE CONDOR IKEADERS OF YOLUME IX Our Weslern llirds By ELIZkBETH  J0SEMt 6RiIELL "Our Feathered Friends," "Birds of Song and Story," Etc. Richly Illustrated from Selected Photographs and Drawings made especially for this Volume by W. K. Fisher, of Stanford University. FIFTH AND SIXTH GKADES The Authors' intentions have been to write a simple narrative which will awaken an interest in bird life among young people, particularly school children. The birds selected are those which are to be found in the vicinity of most any schoolhouse in the wost. The accounts are mostly of such a nature that they can be verified by careful observation on the part of the reader. While not in the least technical, the whole work has been compiled with a view to accuracy in every detail. However, enough of imagery has been introduced to give an air o.f vivacity and in places a certain humor, both of which are necessary in some degree to hold the interest of the younger reader. There is enough of color-description to enable at least the teacher to identify the birds by name, while the illustrations which accompany each chapter will leave no doubt at all. CONTENTS I. The Andubon Warbler. I7. Our Western Wrens. 2. The California Jay. 18. The Red-shafted Flicker. 3. The Black Phoebe. i 9. The Turkey Buzzard. 4. The Mourning Dove. 20. The Butcher-bird. 5. The Linnet. 2I. The Bush-tit. 6. The Crow. 22. Our Orioles. 7. Woodpeckers 23. The Arkansas Goldfinch. 8. Song Sparrows. 24. The Towhees. 9. The Western Robin. 25. The Brown Pelican. Io. The Belted Kingfisher. 26. The Cedar Waxwing. H. The Mocking Bird. 27. The Ground Owl. i2. Various Sparrows. 28. The Roadrunner. 13. The Western Gull. 29. The Valley and Mountain Quail. 14. The Killdeer Plover. 30. The Screech Owl. 15. The American Coot. 3I. Descriptions of Our Birds. i6. The Barn Owl. PKICE, NET O CENTS PUBLISHED BY THE WHITAIK (D. KAY CO., 72 b!AlklET STREET SAN FIkANCISCO (When ordering mention THE COSDOR.)

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