THE CONDOIZ n-111usraed Maazin o Oni[hology Published Bl-monl'hly by l.he Cooper Ornll'holo,l~ eal Club of California WALTEIZ K. FISHEIZ, Edffor, Polo Alo JOSEPH OIZIHHELL, Business Manager and Asslsl.an{ Edll.o, Pasadena FIAHK 5. DAfifiETT, Assoelal.e Edll.or THE CONDOR [VOL. V aid A. Cohen; 'Bird Trapping Among the Pomo Indians," S. A. Barrett; "A Remarkable Flight of Louisiana Tunagets," W. Otto Emer- son. After refreshments and a social time the meeting adjourned. C. R. KEYES, Secretary. Polo All'o, Callfornla: Published $uly I5, 1903 SUBSCRIPTION RATIO8 Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.S. Colonies one dollar a year; single copies twenty-five cents, Price in all countries in the International Postal Union one dollar and a quarter a year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Business Manager; manuscripts and exchanges to the Editor. SOUTHERN DIVISION FEBRUARy. The February meeting was held on the 28th in room I, City Hall, Los Angeles, with Mr. Daggett presiding and nine members present. A committee consisting of Howard Robertson (chairman), Eugene Law, F.S. Daggett and H. J. Lelande was ap- pointed, after due motion, to prepare a re- vision of Grinnell's Birds of the Pacific Slope of Los Angeles and Orange Counties. The Club was honored by the presence of Prof. F. E. L. Beal, of the Biological Survey, who gave a short talk on the work ac- .... complished by the department in the examina- Minutes of Club Meetings NORTHERN DIVISION MARCH.--The regular meeting of the North- ern Division was held with President H. R. Taylor at Alameda, March 7, thirteen active members and four visitors being present. Mr. Cohen reported a gift to the Club of four cases of mounted birds from Mr. A.M. Shields. On motion a vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Shields. The following were elected to active mexn- bership in the Club: S.B. Show, Stanford University; Lloyd Newland, Polo Alto; Theo. C. Zschokke, Polo Alto. Seven applications for active membership were received, from A. S. Bunnell, Berkeley; Margaret Day, Santa Barbara; Edmund M. Hoyden, Santa Barbara; Dr. H. N. Miner, Berkeley; J. C. Bay, Hay- wards; Earl Mulliken, Berkeley; Jessie L. Newsom, Oakland. Four resignations were accepted, as follows: N. M. Flower, F. W. Kobbe, Harry Putnam, Miss M. E. Skillings. The name of Mr. J. L. Young was dropped for non-payment of dues. It was moved and carried that the Cooper Club celebrate its tenth anniversary in connec- tion with the special meeting of the A. O. U. in San Francisco, May 15 and i6. Mr. Joseph Grinnell presented the following amendment to the Constitution, which was unanimously adopted, subject to the action of the Southern Division: Article III, Section 2. "Any person serious- ly interested in the study of Western birds and of not less than sixteen years of age shall be eligible to active membership." The program was carried out as follows: "Oeneral Habits of the Prairie Falcon," Don- tion of the stomachs of about 5o,ooo birds, dur- ing the past few years, of the valuable data collected. and the various beneficial results to be derived. Mr. Valter Richardson, who recently re- turned from South Africa, after an absence of about five years, gave a very entertaining ac- count of his travels, with a description of the country, birds and mammals that were ob- served. "Early Nesting of Anna Hummingbird in the Vicinity of Santa Monica" by W. Lee Chambers was read. Mr. Doggert read notes from a letter written by Joseph Mailliard, who has been collecting in Chile. Mr. Robertson read a very interesting accouut of a trip to our coast islands, entitled "A Day with Cossin Auklets." H. J. LELANDE, Secretary,. MARCH.---The March meeting, which was postponed from the 3Ist ult., was held on April IIth, in room I, City Hall, Los Angeles, with M. Daggett presiding and seven members present. The amendment to Article III, Sec. 2, of the Constitution was carried. (See min- utes of Northern Division.) The secretary was instructed to communicate with Mr. John H. Sage, Secretaryof the A. O. U., in order to obtain information concerning the plans of the A. O. U. party coming to California in May. A committee of three, including the president, secretary, and Mr. Howard Robertson, were appointed to devise a plan of entertainment for visiting members of the A. O. U. The name of Mr. Harry Swarth was added to the re- vision committee appointed last month. The Club adjourned to meet again April 30, at the residence of Mr. W. B. Judson, Los Angeles. H. J. IELANDE, Secretary.