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Nest of Shufeldt Junco (frontispiece) ............................... I-t'erman 7 . Bohlman 84 Call Notes of the Bush-Tits ............................................... .foseph Grinnell 85 The White-necked Raven (2 halftones) .................................... Vernon Bailey 87 Notes on the Bird Conditions of the Fresno District .......................... f. jir. J[iller 89 A Morning with the Birds of Juan ViLas, Costa Rica (hal/tone) ................ J[erritt Cary 9o Nesting Habits of the Shufeldt Junco (frontispiece and half-tone) ...... IYer,nan T. Bohlman 94 Cassin Anklet, Ptychoramphus aleuticus ................................ Ioward Robertson 96 Notes from Santa Barbara,California ..................................... foseph J[ailliard 97 Bird Notes rom Eastern California and Western Arizona (concluded) ....... Frank Stephens Stray Notes from Southern Arizona ......................... : ................ F. I. Fowler o6 Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union and the Cooper Ornithological Club ... go8 Dr. Edgar A. Mearns (half-tone) .......................................................... Minutes of Club Meetings ......................................................... x go lntered January x6, x9o3, at Palo Alto, Cal., as second-class matter. IIPOIkTANT NOTICE Mr. Joseph Grinnell has moved to PASADENA, CAL., where all communications of a business nature shotfid be sent. The editorial office remains in PALO ALTO, where manuscripts and exchanges shotfid be forwarded.

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