WANTED--Every dealer and collector to
send me his address that I may send out sample sheets of my Standard Field 2Vole and Data Blank Books, endorsed by advanced collectors and dealers. Recommended by Ornithological Clubs. "All answered." Address, GEO. V. MORSE, Box 230, Ashley, Ind. OLD CORRESPONDENTS AND NEW, please give me a chance at your good things this season, in the Oological line. I have hopes of many good things myself. Want particular- ly sets of mountain and plumed partridge. FRED M. DILLE, R. F.D. Longraoul, Colo. rANTED--Birds and Mammal skins. Can give in exchange the following: Auk Vol. 16 and x7, Osprey (old series) Vol. 2, 3, and 4- Also a few sets of eggs A.O.U. No. 366, 378, 387 a, x94. W.L. BURNETT, x28 N. Sherwood St., Fort Collins, Colo. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR SALE. A few fine bird pictures, frigate and tropic birds nesting, boobies nesting and in groups, fork-tailed gulls and young and others. Also a most remarkable picture showing over 40o iguanas in a group, and one showing 7 Galap- agos tortoises in their native haunts; 50 cents each or 2.5o a dozen unmounted, 83 a dozen mounted. R.H. BECK, Berryessa, Calif. 0rnilh010tiral (lub 01 01iI0rnia i Complete Your Sets " " III " 1.5o " V (curtcut) subsc. Loo Odd numbers of II & III each .30 " " "IV & PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUI'A 110. I Birds of the Kotzebue Sound Region, Alaska. 8o pp. Map. Joseph Griuneil .75 PACIFIC COAST AVIFAUIqA 110. 2. Birds of Santa Cruz Co., Cal. pp. . - R.C. McGregor -5 Check-list of California Birds; oo pp ) 2 maps colored. Joseph Grinnell -75 SARAT; Land Birds of Placerville- Lake Tahoe Stage Road. 35 C. Barlow. -5
'or Sale by the Club
, J. 611INNl$II, Palo Alto, Calif. HE: FaVO-b-- RIFLE:I i an avonrote rifle and pcs every where you hold it. Weight 4 pounds. Me tee ib., . a RIC: No. 17, Ploi, Sights, $6.00 No. 18, TIrEet Sights, . 8.50 THE J, *STEEK ARMS IHD TOOL P.O. Bex 9z9 CHICOPEE FALLS, MAS BIRD ,xtIZINE Profusely iilurated with Photophs of Wild Birds from Life. rh, inter- fing, and instnmtive Bird Liteture. Evething original. Ten ds Naluml Colors For identifitious onthly, l.00 per year Single Copie 10 cent veone suhbing now a Life-siz Enlaygement of the SPECIAL To aii who mention "he we wiii send VoL I and II, and su sptions for , with the "Chippy Family," for =.5o. Add cncn O0101y