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THE CONDOR VOL. V THE CONDOI An Illusfraed Magazine of Western Ornifhology Publlsbed Bl-monThly by The Cooper Ornlhologl- eal Club of California WALTEI K. FIEHEI, EdiTor, Palo AlTo JOSEPH (iIIHHELL, Business Manager and AssisTanT EdiTor, Palo Alfo F!AHK . DAQQETT, Assoeiafe EdiTor Palo AlTo, California: Published March 16, 1903 Price in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and U.' S. . Colonies one dollar a year;single copies twenty-five cents. price in all countries in the International Postal Union one dollar: and a quarter a year. Subscriptions should be sent to the Business Manager; manugcripts and exchanges to the Editor. EDITORIALS The time for the Tenth Anniversary Meeting is rapidly approaching. Every member should make a serious attempt to be present, for it is likely no opportunity of a similar nature wilt again present itself till our Twentieth Anniver- sary-and that is too uncertain to be counted on! Such a meeting as we TENTH hope for cannot fail to have ANNIVERSARY a very wholesome influence, MEETINg both upon the members, and upon the future work of the club. We are so scattered that it is only a comparatively few who enjoy the frequent meet- ings. Those who live at a distance are thus denied the benefits of the social side of the club--the association of members and the inter- change of ideas and schemes which character- ize our informal meetings. The California meeting of the American Or- nithologists' Union seems likely to be a suc- cess, as a circular describing the excursion has already been sent out by the committee. From this circular we learn that the "plan is to leave

Chicago May 3, to reach San Francisco on or 

about May I3, and to hold a special meeting May I5-I6 in conjunction with the California members of the A. O. U. and the members of the Cooper Ornithological Club." Already a local committee of arrangements has been ap- pointed. At the last meeting of the Northern Division, March 7, it was definitely decided that the Tenth Anniversary Meeting should be held at the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, May I5 and I6, in conjunction with this special meeting of the A. O.U. The advantage of this arrangement is at once evident, and every one should be present, not only to make the two meetings a success in point of interest, but to become acquainted with those who attend. It isnot often that our Eastern friends brave a journey to the "wild and wooly," and we should one and all assemble to help make their trip to the West both enjoyable and long-to- be-remembered. A committee now has the matter of the meet- ing and program in hand. You are cordially invited to write to the editor on the subject, so that we may gain some idea of who are coming. Later when plans are perfected notices will be sent to each member. The A. O. U. Bird Bill, thru the activity of Mr. Win. Dutcher, Dr. T. S. Palmer, Professor Win. E. Ritter and others, has been introduced into the State Legislature. There seems to be a strong sentiment in favor of THE A. O.U. ' the measure, which should in- BIRD sure its speedy passage. The BILL bill, which aims to give an ade- quate protection to our non- game birds, is essentially like the Cooper Club measure which was introduced two years ago, but which failed, as will be remembered, to se- cure the governor's signature. As the legisla- ture adjourns within a few days, the fate of the bill will shortly be made known thru the daily press. Both the editor and the business manager will be far removed from the scene of action during the coming summer. It is therefore rec/uested that all longer articles intended for the July issue be mailed to Pale Alto not later than May 15. It willbe necessary to make A NOTICE lip the July number very much earlier than is usual,' as the proof sheets will have to make a round trip of some 6oo0 miles. As we examine at least three proofs the reason for the request is evident. We regret that thru lack of space the FIELD AND STUDY section has been omitted in this issue. Many short notes will appear in the May number. Owing to an unfortunate mistake the adver- tising pages in the January issue were num- bered 3I and 3a. These numbers have been duplicated in the present issue (frontispiece, as we do not publish 'plates'). It is probable that we will hold the May issue over a few days in order to include a report of the meetings. As we expect plenty of members here on the I5th the issue will not be missed! Notice to lIembers of Southern Division. At the meeting of this division held on Feb- ruary a8, 9o3, a committee was appointed {o make preliminary arrangements toward the revision of Grinnell's "Birds of Los Angeles County." It is proposed to collect all material notes, etc., that will in any manner bear upon the species known to occur i the territory outlined in the above mentioned list. Mem- bers are especially requested to report all early and late nesting dates that come under their notice during the coming season with what- ever migratory notes they may have. A more detailed account of the work ex-

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