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MAR. x903l THE CONDOR 5 r

Botaurus lentiginosis. American Bittern. A single bittern was seen at the lake this year. Nycticorax nycticorax navius. Black-crowned Night Heron. A colony of these herons was discovered breeding in the middle of the rule field in.May 9oo. About coo nests were counted and by the first of June they all contained young or incubated eggs. Only twenty herons were seen at the lake this year. Railus virginianus. Virginia Rail. Noted in marshy meadows on west side of lake. Fulica americana. American Coot. Very common in tule fields. Steganopus tricolor. Wilson Phalarope. Not uncommon on west side of lake. Found breeding close to shore. Recurvirostra americana. American Avocet. A few pairs seen on west side of lake; probably breeding. Himantopus mexicanus. Black-necked Stilt. Noted along west shore of lake in May and June. (allinago delicata. Wilson Snipe. Not uncommon in marshy fields on west side of lake. Actiris macularia. Spotted Sandpiper. Common breeder along shores of lake. .gialitis vocifera. Killdeer. Abundant at lake. Circus hudsonins. Marsh Hawk. A pair of these hawks observed at the lake in May r9oo. Archibuteo lagopus santi-johannis. American Roughleg. Falco sparverius deserticolus. Desert Sparrow Hawk. These two hawks have been noted hunting through tule fields in June. The latter nests high up in the Sierras. Bubo virginianus pallescens. Western Horned Owl. Noted in tule fields in June. Speotyt0 cunicularia hyp0gaa. Burrowing Owl. One seen on fefice post near lale in May. Chordeilesvirginianushenryi. Western Nighthawk. Noted flying over tule fields. Xanthocephalusxanthocephalus. Yellow-headed Blackbird. Agelaius phceniceus. 'Red-winged Blackbird. These two blackbirds are corn-. mon through the tules. Sturnella magna neglecta. Western Meadowlark. Abundant in grassy mea- dows near lake. Scolecophagus cyanocephalus. Brewer Blackbird. Very common around lake. Ammodramus sandwichensis alaudinus. Western Savana Sparrow. Quite common on west side of lake, breeding close to shore. Chondestes grammacus strigatus. Western Lark Sparrow. Not uncommon on west side of lake. Spizella breweri. Brewer Sparrow. Very common in sage brush on east side of lake. Amphispiza belli nevadensis. sage brush on east side. Melospiza me10dia montana. tules near the last of June. Pipilo maculatus megalonyx. east side of lake, Oreospiza cholura. Green-tailed Towhee. brush on south shore. Petrochelidon lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Hirundo erythrogaster. Barn Swallow. Sage Sparrow. A characteristic bird of the Mountain Song Sparrow. Noted with young in Spurred Towhee. Abundant in sage brush on Several noted in a patch of sage

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