A Partial List of the Birds of Keam Canyon, Arizona (frontispiece) .......... .A.K. Fisher 33 Feathers Beside the Styx .............................................. trdgar 1. It!reams 36 Some Unusual Nests of the Bullock Oriole (3 halftones) ...................... C. S. oeharp 38 The Phainopepla ...................................................... 11! r. lrench Gilma 42 The Significance of Trinomials ............................................. FZilmer Slope 43 The Author of "Birds of the Cape Region of Lower California" (halftone) ................. 46 List of Water Birds of Lake Valley, Central Sierra Nevada Mts., Cal. (halftone) fl!filto o e. Ray 47 The Summer Birds of Washoe Lake, Nevada ............................... F. S. lrlranford 50 Status of the Bicolored Blackbird in Southern California .................... F. $. Daggett 52 COKRESPONDENCE. On Certain 'Modern' Tendencies ................................. 'ilred H. Osood 53 A Protest ................................................ m. Dutcher 53 An Answer ......................................................... P. 1 r. i!!oway. 54 EDITORIALS ........................................................................... 56 Notice to Members of Southern Division ................................................. $? An Open Letter ............................................................ Fred I. Dille 5? Obituary: Thomas E. Slevin, George Shoenberger Chainbliss, Thomas Mcllwraith ........... 57 Minute of Club Meetings ................................................................. 58
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