The Author of "Birds-of the Cape Region of Lower California." R. Brewster's recent noteworthy work on the "Birds of the Cape Region of Lower California" appeared just thirty years after his first paper, "Birds New to Massachusetts," in the American Vaturalist for x87 z. Since then a long and enviable fist of papers has marked his active ornithological career--a list far too extensive to enumerate in this connection. Tho his system- atic articles are many, it is safe to say that Mr. Brewster is best known by his I faunal and life-history work. As a portrayer of bird life and bird ways he is vithout a peer. Altho it is in New England that he now loves to 'ornithologize,' yet thru numerous field collectors his interests have reached to the farthest shores of the continent, and his many articles on western birds entitle him to a place among our most active workers.