N. B.--Every COOFER CLUB MElXiBER is en-
titled to three I/ant or Echange notices per year provided these do not exceed 35 words each. VALUABLE LIBRAllY FOP, SALE. The undersigned has been commissioned to dispose of the following books from the library of the LATE CHESTER BARLOW. Only CASH OFFERS will receive consideration. Bultetin of Nullall Ornithological Club, 8 vols. complete, bound in 3 vols. The 4uk, vols. x to x2 incl., bound. California Land Birds "Ornithology of Cal." Cooper, 2 copies. Ornithology of Utah, Nevada, Cal., Colorado, N.M. and Ariz. H. W. Henshaw. ("xooth lZeridian.") Nests and Eggs of North American Birds. Davie. Methods in Art of Taxidermy. Davie. Bird-Nesting in N. W. Canada. Walter Raine. lieport upon Natural History Collections in Alaska, z877-Sz. E.W. Nelson. Contributions to Nat. Hist. of Alaska. L.M. Turner, Eggs of North American Birds. Maynard. Bird Homes. Dugmore. Bird Studies lVith a Camera. Chapman. With Nature and Camera. Kearton. The A. O. U. Checklist of N. A. Birds, 2nd ed., x895 Manual of N. A. Birds, 4th ed. Ridgway. Review of Am. Birds. Baird. Birds of N. and Middle Am., pt. I. llidgway. 2 copies. Birds of Springfield and Vicinity. Robert O. Morris. 4merican Ornilholoy, Vol. I. Ooloist, Vols., 9 & xo. Orniiolo'ist and 0oloi$, Vols' H to z6, un- bound. Bird-Lore, Vol. I. (Vols. 2 & 3 unbound.) ull. [ic. Orn. Club, Vol. I. N. A. Fauna, 18 & 19 unbound. Single volumes of Te 4uk and Bull./Vull. Orn. Club will not be sold. The set goes com- plete. Address VALTER I. FISHER, Pale Alto, Cal. FOR SALE. Carefully prepared collection of Californi_a birds ald mammals. Birds: 700 -spec imens, x7o species. Mammals: 33 specimens, 68 species. Price $300. A. S. BUNNE.L, 2730 Dwight XVay, Berkeley, Cal. Nice Flamingo Skin from the Galapagos; Iguanas, landandmarine, one to four feet long, in pickle. Cash or books or papers on ornith- ology taken. EREST ADA.!S, Clipper Gap, Cal. FOR SALE. A few first class bird and mam- mal skins. Also a few ornithological books and magazines, (Vol. , Osprey, etc.) blULLIKEN, 231 Dana St., Berkeley, Cal. TEVENS RIFL'-AND PISTOLS]
- I
HE; rAVOE; RIrLE;I is an e. ceurat ]'{fie and p:_-M every shot where 3OR hold i. Weight 4.t pounds. Made in three calibers--.22, .25 and .32 Rim Fire. No. 17, Plain Sights, 86.00 No. 18, Target SigMa, . 8.50 Where these rifles are not carried in stock by dealers we will send, expre prepaid on receipt of price. Send stamp for cato. log describing complete line and containing valuable information to shooters. THE J, STEVENS ARMS AND Toot CO, P. o. Box ?.-9 CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. Profusely illustrated with Photographs of Wild Birds from Life. Fresh, inter- esting, and instructive Bird Literau:re. Evervthing orlgiual. Facia number contains Ten girds in Hatural Colors For identifications Flonthly, 1131.OO per year 5inlle Copie IO cent l,vervone subscribing now is entitled to a Ijife-sized Enlargement of the "Clltppy lamlly- in natural colors on paper xx2o i]]-ches. This is prol abTe the best photograph ever taken of an'entire family of live wild birds. SPECIAL x x x To all who meution "The Condor" we will send Vol. I alld II, and sub- scriptions for T9o3, with the "Chippy Fatally," for $e.5o. Address.
erican Ornithology ili."y