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J,s. 9o3[ THE CONDOR 3 x

Bcautilul ' iew Bird Books ESSRS. A. C. McCLURt; & CO. have much pleasure in  l'. ]Obll !lil'l'01i]bS SayS: "This is Ihe best bird book that has come to InC ill year.' Cb OutlOOk yS: 'This is a notable contribution to Anterican bird-lore. Its peculiar interesl lies ill the fact that the allthor has chosen for his field of obserxation a localily usual bird pilgrinlages north and south, there m a migration up and down the Iuountanm. Mr. Keysee records his observations with scientific accuracv, and describes his rambles over the plains, Ihrough the canrOllS. andup tile dizzy heights with a freshness and charm that .ill be thoroughly enjoyable to all Cb Omaha !i says: "It is uot ouly beautifully printed, hut is a yahrobie book for orIfithologists, and will Ilndoubtedlv be sought b 3- them eagerly, as it is tile best and most thorough pIIblicatiol ever printed treating of birds an their habits in that section of the country." The illustrative features of the work are in keeping ith its importance. Louis Agassiz FtIertes, already well known for his accurate and beautiful delineations of birds has famished eight fall-page plates. four ill colors: while Bruce llorsfall, eminent in the more decorative feature of bird- ' ilhlstration, has slipplied more than thirty charming text pictures, which delight the eye and fix the fact ill the mind. There are .qlso nlany reproductions from photographs of localities freqaented by certain species, thus adding to the practical atility of tile work for the ornithologist. photographs. i TR.'4. XVIIEEI.}CK would seem to have the magic touch ill taming the fihvest and rarest. *x of incidents at coremsad slid illustrates her pleasant narrative with nature. The ohlme is a delightful addition to the library of the bird studel[t and lover." Pht'ladrlpltia P. blit I. ede. I2no, 257 lmges, $I.40 net; delivered 1. g. Irlcglurg & g0., Publishers. - gbicago K A announcing the publication of a most importalit volunle ! l Birds ol the Rockies

  •  Jitb beck gist of 010rad0 Birds

, BY Dr. a?dcr S. Keysee  Author of "In Bird Land,' etc. This is the first work (lealing distinctivel 3 , with the birds ofa most interesting .section of our COtllltry. ' ]oi lurl'ougbs SayS: "This is Ihe best bird book that has come to Dut k SayS: 'This is a notable contribution to American bird-lore. Its peculiar interes act I the author has chosen for his field of obserxation a [ocalilv where, Ul addition to th, )bs ions with scientific accuracy, and desertl,es his rambles over tile plains, Ihrough th, d u I !dizzy heights with a freshness and charm that v, ill be thoroughly enjoyable to Dill, I li SayS: "It is uot ouly beautifully printed, hut is a yahrobie book for orIfithologists lout v be sought by them eagerIx-, as it is tile best and illOSt thorough pIIblication ever printer fir&' I their habits in that section of the countrv." ih Illustrafions , 'ative! eatures of the work are in keeping with tlrate ind beautiful delineations of birds has ght fWl-page plates, four ill colors: while Bruce inent in the more decorative feature of bird- ' has sipplied more than thirty charming text ich de ight the eye and fix the fact ill the mind. lso it any reprodllctions from photographs of qaentt d by certain species, thus adding to tile [ity of tile work for the ornithologist. The work contains 355 pages, and a very complete hldex. Price, put up in a box, $3.00 net: or liesflings . ol Torest and marsv BY IRENE (;ROSVENOR WHEEI,}CK  BeautifulIx illustrated ith twelve full-lmge I'hotogravures

and about fifiy delicate I lair-tones in the text fronl original

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