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JA. 9o31 THE

California is a big state, nd our members are scattered pretty well from one end to the other. Our circles of acquaintance are limited, and THE CONDOR proposes to enlarge them, if the scheme strikes all concerned favorably. In each number we would like ANENT A to publish the portraits of say six SCHEME members, and to continue these symposia as long as possible. Of course the matter rests with you, the Club members. If you like the idea, signify your approval by sending us your photograph and we will begin the series as soon as there are portraits enough to insure success. In the current volume and those to follow THE CONDOR will endeavor to present as many short notes as possible. We believe no one feature has so much intrinsic value. With this end in view we ask every one to explore his past experiences, at home A REQUEST or afield, for items. Do not wait for remarkable or unusual incidents. One must remember that there are plenty of facts to be learned about our eom- toonest birds, and that what thru familiarity may seem commonplace with you, usually is interesting to others. At any rate send in plenty of short notes, and let us be the judge. We mail with this issue the index to volume IV, which has been carefully prepared by Mr. Grinnell. To Mr. H. R. Johnson of Stanford we extend our best thanks for designing the magazine heading. THE CONDOR iS now mailed from Palo Alto tho still printed by Mr. Nace in Santa Clara. The change was made to avoid the confusion occasioned by the shifting of the editorial office. Directory of Members of the Cooper Ornithological Club. Revised to January , i9o 3. {Residence in California unless otherwise stated.) HONORARY MEMBERS. Belding, Lyman, Stockton. Bryant, Walter E., 11o4 McDonald Ave., Santa Rosa. ACTIVE MEMBERS. Adams, Ernest, Clipper Gap, Placer County. Anderson, Malcolm P., Menlo Park. Anthony, A. W., 761 Saylet St., Portland, Oregon. Appleton, J. S., Simi, Ventura County. Arnold, Ralph, Stanford University. Atkinson, Win. L., Santa Clara. Bailey, Henry F., 94 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. Bancroft, F. W., 2513 Bancroft Way, Berkeley. Barnhart, F. S., 2o 3 San Pablo Ave., Oakland. Barrett, S. A., Box 486, Ukiah. Beck, Rollo H., Berryessa. Bell, Mrs. Ruby Green, Stanford University. Bolton, A. L., 17oo Bonte Ave., Berkeley. Boring, Miss Ora, Riverside. Brown, Herbert, Yuma, Ariz. Brown, J. G., Santa Monma. CONDOR 3 9 Brown, Thomas, 9oo W. Jefferson St., Los An- geles. Burnham, J. S., Stanford University. Carpenter, Nelson, Eseondid0. Carriger, Henry W., 26II72 Sutter St., San Francisco. Chainberlin, Corydon, Mt. Shasta Mine, Shasta. Chainberlin, Geo. D., 115o Park Ave., Ala- meda. Chambers, W. Lee, Santa Monica. Chainbliss, Geo. S., Altadena, Los Angeles County. Chapman, Miss Bertha L., 12o E. I4th Street, Oakland. Clark, F. C., Napa City. Clark, Ulysses S., 952 South 6th St., San Jose. Coffin, Dr. W. V., State School, Whittier. Cohen, Donald A., Alameda. Coleman, Geo. A., Stanford University. Conant, Prof. Geo., Pasadena. Cummings, Claude, Pinole, Contra Costa County. Daggett, Frank S., 255 Ramona St., Pasadena. Davis, Evan, Orange. Dean, W. F., Three Rivers, Tulare County. Diggles, R. N., Melones, Calaveras County. Dorsey, Mrs. F. E., Stanford University. Dresser, Miss Verna, Pismo, San Luis Obispo County. Emerson, W. Otto, Route I, R. F. D., Box I, Haywards. Englehardt, Miss Sophie, 647 E1 Dorado Ave- nue, Oakland. Feudge, John B., Highland, San Bernardino County. Finley, Win. L., 2217 Fulton St., Berkeley. Fisher, Walter K., Palo Alto. Flower, N. M., Valley Springs, Calaveras County. Fowler, Fred H., Palo Alto. Fowler, Henry W., Academy Nat. Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. Franklin, Burnell, Pasadena. Frisius, Miss Agnes, 2143 Railroad Ave., Ala- meda. Gay, Harold, Stanford University. Gilbert, Dr. Chas. H., Stanford University. Gilman, M. French, Banning, Riverside County. Gilman, Phil K., Box 141 , Stanford University. Goldman, E. A,, Dept. Agriculture, Washing- ton, D.C. Goldman, Luther J., 2314 Prince St., Berke- ley. Goodman, H. P., Napa City. Graham, Henry L., Redlands. Grey, Henry, 313 Turk St., San Francisco. Grimm, George, 545 Market St., San Francisco. Grinnell, Joseph, Palo Alto. Groesbeck, Chas. E. Pasadena. Hahn, Benj. W., Pasadena. Hanford, Forrest S., 1363 11th St., Oakland. Hanna, Wilson C., Box 146 , Colton. Hart, Lester, Santa Monica. Head, Miss Anna, San Ysidro Ranch, Santa Barbara. Heller, Edmund, Riverside. Herre, A. C. Stanford University. Holland, Harold M., Box 515, Galesburg, Ill. Holmes, Frank H., Berryessa.

Hoover, Theodore J., Palo Alto.

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