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son was present as a visitor. Mr. Daggett proposed the name of Mr. Chas. Richardson for active membership; and the resignation of Dr. J. H. McBride was tendered and accepted. The nomina- tions for officers for the ensuing year took place and the following names were proposed: Presi- dent, F. S. Daggett; Vice President, Howard Robertson; Secretary, H. J. Leland; Treasurer, W. B. Judsou and H. S. Swarth. H. S. Sw.RTIt, Sec'y pro tern. J-NU-R.--The annual meeting of the Southern Division was held on Saturday evening, January 3, x9o3, at the residence of Mr. F. S. Daggett, Pasadena, with the following members present: Messrs. W. B. Judson, H. J. Leland, H. Robertson, H. S. Swarth, Prof. Conant and Chas. Richardson. Joseph Grinnell, President of the Club at large, and Fordyce Grinnell were also present. The death of Mr. A. Stert was reported and the Secretary was instructed to prepare a suitable memorial. Mr. Chas. Richardson, whose name was proposed for active membership at the Octo- ber meeting, was duly elected to membershi/a. Mr. Daggett proposed the name of Mr. Herbert Brown for membership. The election of officers to serve during x9o 3 resulted as follows: Presi- dent, F. S. Daggett; Vice-President, Howard Robertson; Secretary, H.J. Leland; Treasurer, H. S. Swarth. Mr. Daggett reviewed in general the work during the past year by the members of the Southern Division and made some valuable suggestions for future study. A temporary ad- journment was taken to another room where refreshments were served. Mr. Grinnell was in- stalled in the chair and he addressed the meeting on the past work and future plans of the Club organ, THE CONDOR. Mr. Swarth exhibited a number of skins of the rarer Arizona birds, among which were specimens of the black-fronted warbler, painted redstarts, mountain song sparrows, tivoli, broad-billed, and white-cared hummingbirds, olive warbler, yeilow-throat, etc. Mr. Daggett exhibited several skins of the bicolored and red-winged black birds, pointing out the dif- ference of the true bicolor variety and that supposed to be bicolor taken here. Later in the evening he presented a paper "Agelaius gubernator," which covered his illustration entirely. Meeting adjourned. HOWARD ROBERTSON, Secretary. PHOTO IBy E C. BTARK8