When we last heard from Joseph Mailliard he was in Valparaiso, Chile, and not altogether infatuated with the place. He finds that he arrived during the closed season for game, and as all birds are classed as such, the outlook for collecting is hardly 'reassuring. A stranger is able to collect only on large ranches where the owner is sufficiently prominent to hinder constant molestation by "minions of the law." We hope our friend has found the situation more favor- able than the outlook would seem to have indicated and has already an interesting representa- tion of native birds. Recently we had a letter from E. A. Goldman from Zacatecas, which is one of the famous old mining cities of Mexico. At present writing Mr. Goldman is collecting near Ocotlan, Jalisco, in the interests of the Biological Survey. Wilfred H. Osgood paid us a flying visit en route to Washington from Alaska, where he has spent the summer in the interests of the Biological Survey. Lyman Belding, our veteran ornithologist, is now at Pacific Grove. Mr. Belding and the Editor spent two pleasant days along the coast in quest of waterfowl. Joseph Grinnell visited his home in Pasadena during Christmas week and was present at the annual meeting of the Southern Division. When last heard from, R. H. Beck was in Washington, D.C., hatching schemes for a new col- lecting trip. Malcolm P. Anderson recently returned from a collecting trip on the Stikine River, Alaska. Ralph Arnold is now in Washington, D.C. MINUTES OF CLUB MEETINGS Northern Division NOVMBR.--The Norttern Division met at 405 Kipling St., Palo Alto, November I, x9o2, President Grinnell presiding. In the absence of Mr. Barlow, T. ]. Hoover was appointed secre- tary pro tern. The club then listened to a talk on the "Birds of Laysan Island," by W. K. Fisher. A paper on the "Faunal Areas of California," by Frank Stephens, was read. Mr. Grinnell told of his experiences with "Mother Cary's Chickens" on Los Coronados Islands. After a short re- cess the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. W. M. Pierce was elected to active membership and Messrs. H. W. Fowler, J. M. Miller and Miss Agnes Frislus were proposed /or membership. A communication from Mr. A. M Shields tendering a gift of birds and eggs to the Club Museum was read, and the President on motion was instructed to appoint a committee to visit Mr. Shields. T. ]. Hoover was appointed as a committee. The Club here adiourned by declaration of the President to discuss a subtile brew. After refreshments a communication from Frank Stephens proposing the preparing of a map showing the fauna1 areas and life zones in Cal- ifornia was discussed. After other sundry business nominations for officers/or the year 19o3 were then called for. Mr. Barlow was nominated for President. For Senior Vice-President, Messrs. Hoover, Emerson and Snyder; for Junior Vice-President, Messrs. Emerson, Thompson, Skinner, Cohen and Keyes. Mr. Keyes was nominated for Secretary. The following nominations for Business Manager-Treasurer were made: C. Barlow, J. Grinnell, T. J. Hoover. Mr. Emerson invited the Club to hold its Annual Meeting at his home in Haywards. The Club then adiourned to meet at Haywards, January Io, x9o $. T. ]. HoovER, Secretary pro tern. JAUAR.--The ninth annual meeting was held at the residence of W. Otto Emerson, Hay- wards, Saturday evening January Io. The gathering was one of the largest in years, there bein about eighteen members present and a goodly number of visitors. Mr. Henry Reed Taylor was unanimously elected President for I9o$. The full minutes will be published in the March issue. Southern Division NovEMBER.--The Division met at the residence of Mr. F. S. Daggett, Pasadena, on the even- ing of Friday, Nov. 28. Mr. Daggett presided and there were five other members present, Messrs.
B. Franklin, O. W. Howard, Edw. Howard, Prof. Conant and H. S. Swarth. Mr. Chas. Richard-