THE EDITOR'S BOOt[ SHELF HANDBOOK OF BIRDS OF THE }VESTERN UNITED STATES. BY FLORENCE MERRIAM BAILEY. Illustrated by Louis AGASSIZ FI[JERTES and others. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston, Mass. I9O2. i2mo. xcii + 486 pages + index; 36 full page plates, diagrams, 6oi figures in text. Price 3.5o net and 19 cents postage. From HAND BOOK OF BIRDS OF }VESTERN UNITED STATES. To say that Mrs. Bailey's book "fills a long-felt want," tho literally the truth, puts the matter rather mildly. Up to the present time we have lacked a scienlific manual of our western birds, which could be used alike by beginners and more advanced students. Since I895 Mr. Chapman's.
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