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134 THE CONDOR I vol.

Spizella socialis arizona,. Western Chipping Sparrow. [Only tolerably com- mon at Eureka. T.S.P.] Melospiza cinerea cleonensis. Mendocino Song Sparrow. Abundant breeding bird along- the coast from Mendocino county to Crescent City. The species fairly swarms in some places, and is the commonest bird in deforested areas. It is found 'also in the less dense spruce and arborvite swamps. Six breeding birds from Humboldt Bay, and two from Crescent City have been compared with the type of cleonends, which comes from Westport, Mendocino Co. The describer made an unfortunate choice of type, as it is an extremely worn, faded, and generally dis- reputable-looking female. Allowing for this, however, the Humboldt Bay and Crescent City birds agree with it in color and measurements, except that their upper-parts are a trifle darker. Cleonends in its most typical form is found from Humboldt Bay to Crescent City. The type, to use a curious expression, is not typical cleonends but tends ever so little to,yard sanuelis. A specimen taken near Eu:reka is obviously an 'intergrade' with samuelis. The Mendocino song sparrow is a good subspecies and is fairly constant throughout its range. It will be found to intergrade with samuelis, however, over a rather large area--anywhere in fact south of Cape Mendocino. [Not /FZelospiza melodia morphna CONDOR I[I, I9Ol , 91.] Melospiza cinerea pheea. Oregon Song Sparrow. Three birds, probably mi- gran'ts, collected near Crescent City by Edmund Heller in the autumn of t9Ol, are referable to this form. (CONDOt IV, March I9O2 , 36.) Melospiza cinerea morphna. Rusty Song Sparrow.. [ collected a very curious, worn, rufescent male (July 5, I899) at Crescent City which is an anomaly in many respects. It looks like a small morphua and is considerably different from either cleonends or p/za'in worn plumage. The bird may be an extreme individ- ual variant from cleonends as it is difficult to account for morphna in this locality so early. Pipilo maculatus oregonus. Oregon Towbee. ["Found in the vicinity of Eu- reka." T. S. P.] Zamelodia melanocephala. Black-headed Grosbeak. Not uncommon in the open country. HumbOldt Bay ["One seen June i7," Crescent City. T. S. P.] Cyanospiza amcena. Lazuli Bunting. ["Observed in the vicinity of Eureka." T. S. r.] Progne subis hesperia. Western Martin. [Reported from Mad River, Hum- boldt Bay and Crescent City. T. S. P.] Petrochelidon lunifrons. Cliff Swallow. Common. Hirundo erythrogastTa. Barn Swailow. Common. Tachycineta bicolor. Tree Swallow. Common. Stelgidopteryx serripennis. Rough-winged Swallow. Seen at Trinidad Head. [Mad R., Hmnboldt Bay. T. S. P.] Ampelis cedrorum. Cedar Waxwing ["[ found a recently killed specimen in the road June 9th. [ am told that the bird is common in the vicinity, staying about ,the orchards to eat cherries." Crescent City. T. S. P.] Helminthophila celata lutescerts. I, utescent Warbler. [Reported from Eu- reka. T. S. P] Dendroica eestiva, Yellow Warbler. [Common near Eureka; Crescent City. T. S. P.] Geothlypis trichas arizela. Pacific Yellow-throat. [One seen at Rio Dell, Humboldt Co. T. S. P.] Wilsonia pusilia pileolata. Pileolated Warbler. One of the few birds found in the deep forest; common also in small woods and copses.

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